Igra i pouka kao segmenti poetike poezije za decu
Veljković-Mekić, Jelena, 1981-
Petrović, Tihomir, 1949- (ths, code: 05520)
Garonja-Radovanac, Slavica, 1957- (oth, code: 05371)
Bošković, Dragan, 1970- (oth, code: 06299)
Anđelković, Maja, 1977- (oth, code: 06789)
The topic of the paper is, first and foremost, an analysis of and a theoretical reflection on two segments of the poetics of children´s poetry - play and education. Upon defining the concepts of aesthetical and ethical, play and education within the wider framework of a human life, upbringing and art, and upon recapitulating the most significant flows of the history of children´s literature, it has been established that play and education are predominant segments of the poetics of children´s literature. Unlike the poetics of literature for adults, the poetics of children´s literature covers specific aspects established on the basis of play and education. The analysis and research of the poetics of children´s poetry encompasses cultural, philosophical and sociological considerations of play with specific emphasis on the existing results of psychological study of children´s concepts of the world the aim of which is to establish the significance of play as well as the possibility of its expression in the creative act of a poet and in the structure of a children´s poem. Education is constructed in a different manner. It honours different laws and it is directed towards different aims. Thus, the paper emphasises various points of diversion of the examined segments of the poetics of children´s poetry, as well as the possibilities of their coexistence. The mentioned segments of the poetics of children´s poetry are examined in relation to a poet´s intention, to the process of the creative work, to the structure of the poem, to the ranges and possibilities of a child recipient, to the aesthetic and pedagogical function of children´s poetry, as well as to the criteria of aesthetic evaluation. Considering poetic examples of children´s authors, with constant reference to pre-school recipients, the scope of scientific research in this dissertation is limited to the analysis of children´s poetry within the Serbian national literature, and points to the development, changes and mutual influence in the creative work of the chosen authors, to different views of children, as well as to different relationships towards them within a framework of a particular cultural climate. The paper analyses the children´s poetical texts of the following authors: Jovan Jovanović-Zmaj, Desanka Maksimović, Mira Alečković, Dušan Radović, Grigor Vitez, Milovan Danojlić, Ljubivoje Ršumović, Pero Zubac and Duško Trifunović. The analysis has been performed in the form of essayistic, interpretative and literary theory experiments. This selection of literature will enable one to scrutinise the narrowing of the scope of educational poems between traditional and modern poetry, since children authors show a more pronounced tendency to entertain the child recipient and, by using a poem, to transfer them to the realm of play. On the basis of a thorough consideration one can reach a conclusion that pedagogical and aesthetic functions of children´s poetry do not stand in opposition and that education in a poetic structure realises its aesthetic quality through principles of play
Predmet rada jeste, pre svega, proučavanje i teorijsko promišljanje dva segmenta poetike poezije za decu - igre i pouke. Po određenju pojmova estetskog i etičkog, igre i pouke, u širim okvirima čovekovog života, vaspitanja i umetnosti i po izvršenoj rekapitulaciji najznačajnijih tokova istorije književnosti za decu, utvrđuje se da su igra i pouka dominantni segmenti poetike celokupne književnosti za decu. Poetika književnosti za decu u odnosu na poetiku književnosti za odrasle pokazuje određene specifične aspekte, koji se utvrđuju ostajući na ravni okosnice igre i pouke. U proučavanje i istraživanje poetike književnosti za decu inkorporirana su kulturološka, filozofska i sociološka razmatranja igre s naročitim osvrtom na dosadašnje rezultate psiholoških izučavanja dečjeg shvatanja sveta, kako bi se, njihovim dovođenjem u vezu, utvrdio značaj igre, kao i mogućnosti njenog izraza u stvaralačkom postupku pesnika i u strukturi dečje pesme. Pouka se konstituiše na drugačiji način, poštuje druge zakonitosti i upravljena je ka drugačijim ciljevima no igra, te se u radu određuju tačke razilaženja ispitivanih segmenata poetike dečje poezije, kao i mogućnosti supostojanja istih. Pomenuti segmenti poetike poezije za decu ispituju se u odnosu na intenciju pesnika za decu, sam proces stvaralačkog uobličavanja, strukturu pesme, domete i mogućnosti dečjeg recipijenta, estetsku i pedagošku funkciju poezije za decu, kao i na kriterijume estetskog vrednovanja. Prostor naučnih istraživanja u disertaciji omeđuje se na izučavanje poezije za decu u okvirima srpske nacionalne književnosti, što će omogućiti da se uoče razvoj, promene i međusobni uticaji u stvaralaštvu pojedinih autora, da se zapaze različiti pogledi na dete, kao i različiti odnosi prema njemu u okvirima jedne kulturološke klime, i to na poetskim primerima pesnika za najmlađe, uz stalne osvrte na recipijenta predškolskog uzrasta. Detaljnije su analizirani poetski tekstovi za decu pesnika Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, Desanke Maksimović, Mire Alečković, Dušana Radovića, Grigora Viteza, Milovana Danojlića, Ljubivoja Ršumovića, Pere Zupca i Duška Trifunovića, u vidu esejističkih, interpretativnih i književno-teorijskih ogleda. Ovaj izbor literature omogućiće da se sagleda sužavanje opsega poučnih pesama na relaciji tradicionano - moderno pesništvo i sve jače izražena težnja pesnika da zabavi dečjeg recepijenta i da ga pesmom prenese u oblast igre. Na osnovu temeljnih razmatranja dolazi se do zaključka da pedagoška i estetska funkcija dečje pesme nisu u opoziciji i da pouka u poetskoj strukturi svoj estetki kvalitet ostvaruje kroz igrovne principe.
Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Filološko-umetnički fakultet, 2014, dr književnih nauka. Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. Bibliografija: listovi 309-320. Rezime ; Summary. datum odbrane: 15.11.2014. null
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