Naslov (srp)

Povezanost depresivnosti i anksioznosti sa ekspresijom receptora za neurokinine kod žena obolelih od karcinoma dojke


Ilić, Milena, 1984-


Mitrović, Slobodanka, 1967-
Janjić, Vladimir, 1971-
Stanković, Vesna, 1964-
Mijović, Milica, 1971-

Opis (srp)

Karcinom dojke (KD) ostaje gorući globalni problem, kako po pitanju incidencetako i u pogledu mortaliteta. Poslednjih godina ulažu se napori u definisanju novihmolekularnih i signalnih puteva uključenih u patogenezu KD, kako bi se dobilakompletnija i jasnija slika u pogledu predviđanja prognoze i efikasnosti primenjeneterapije.Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje povezanosti anksioznosti i depresivnostisa ekspresijom neurokininskih receptora (NKR) u karcinomu dojke, kao i njihova mogućaveza sa kliničkim, patohistološkim i imunofenotipskim karakteristikama tumora.Istraživanje je podrazumevalo popunjavanje anketa za samoprocenudepresivnosti/anksioznosti obolelih žena, kao i kompletnu patohistološku analizutkivnog materijala pacijentkinja. Na standardno obojenim preparatima definisani susvi značajni morfološki parametri KD. Imunohistohemijski, određivana je tkivnaekspresija relevantnih markera, primenom antitela (NKR, VEGF, CD105, Ki67 i caspase3). Definisane su dve grupe žena, sa i bez prisutnog depresivnog/anksioznog poremećaja,kao i postojeće razlike u pogledu kliničkih i histopatoloških karakteristika.Kod ispitivanih žena otkriven je značajan broj onih sa određenim stepenomdepresivnosti/anksioznosti. Ekspresija NKR bila je u pozitivnoj korelaciji saispoljenim značajnim stepenom depresivnosti i sa ekspresijom značajnih prediktoraponašanja karcinoma poput markera proliferativnog indeksa Ki67, markera angiogenezeu tumoru VEGF i CD105, kao i markera apoptoze caspase-3.Nedvosmisleno je pokazano da je komorbiditet KD i depresije značajan ukliničkom pogledu, da postoje isprepletani molekularni mehanizmi čije bi podrobnijerazumevanjem pomoglo na polju otkrivanja mesta za nove terapijske procedure koje biciljano delovale u sprečavanju rasta i invazije tumora.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

Breast cancer (BC) remains a pressing global problem, both in terms of incidence andmortality. In recent years, efforts have been made to define new molecular and signalingpathways involved in the pathogenesis of BC, in order to obtain a more complete and clearerpicture in terms of predicting the prognosis and the effectiveness of the applied therapy.The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between anxiety and depressionwith the expression of neurokinin receptors (NKR) in breast cancer, as well as their possiblerelationship with clinical, pathohistological, and immunophenotypic characteristics of the tumor.The research involved filling out questionnaires for self-assessment of depression/anxietyof the affected women, as well as a complete pathohistological analysis of the patient's tissuematerial. All significant morphological parameters of BC were defined on the standard stainedpreparations. Immunohistochemically, tissue expression of relevant markers was determinedusing antibodies (NKR, VEGF, CD105, Ki67, and caspase-3). Two groups of women weredefined, with and without a present depressive/anxiety disorder, as well as existing differences interms of clinical and histopathological characteristics.Among the examined women, a significant number of those with a certain degree ofdepression/anxiety were found. The expression of NKR was positively correlated with asignificant degree of depression and with the expression of significant predictors of cancerbehavior such as the proliferative index marker Ki67, tumor angiogenesis markers VEGF andCD105, as well as the apoptosis marker caspase-3.It has been unequivocally shown that the comorbidity of BC and depression is significantfrom a clinical point of view, that there are interwoven molecular mechanisms, the more detailedunderstanding of which would help in the field of discovering new therapeutic procedures thatwould act in a targeted manner in preventing tumor growth and invasion.






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