Naslov (srp)

Struktura i antimikrobna aktivnost kompleksa bakra(II), cinka(II) i srebra(I) sa ligandima koji sadrže piridin


Andrejević, Tina, 1993-


Glišić, Biljana, 1985-
Đuran, Miloš, 1952-
Turel, Iztok, 1976-
Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, 1980-
Bogojeski, Jovana, 1976-
Ašanin, Darko

Opis (eng)

In this doctoral dissertation, copper(II), zinc(II) and silver(I) complexes with pyridinecontaining ligands have been synthesized and evaluated as potential antimicrobial agents. Thesynthesized complexes were structurally characterized by spectroscopic, electrochemical, andcrystallographic methods. Their antimicrobial activity was evaluated against differentbacterial and fungal species. Besides that, antiproliferative activity of the synthesizedcomplexes on the healthy human lung fibroblast cell line (MRC-5) has been studied todetermine their potential cytotoxicity in order to determine their therapeutic profile.The structural properties and antimicrobial activity of the synthesized copper(II),zinc(II) and silver(I) complexes have been compared with the corresponding properties of thestructurally similar complexes and clinically used antimicrobial agents.In the first part of the doctoral dissertation, development of the resistance ofmicroorganisms to the clinically used drugs, which are derivatives of organic compounds, isdescribed. Moreover, the importance of metal-based compounds, which have showneffectiveness in the treatment of infections caused by microorganisms and other diseases fromancient times, is also presented. An overview of the copper(II), zinc(II) and silver(I)complexes with aromatic nitrogen-containing heterocyclic ligands that have shownantimicrobial activity is given. In the second part of the doctoral dissertation, procedures forthe synthesis of copper(II), zinc(II) and silver(I) complexes are described, as well as methodsused for their structural characterization, antimicrobial evaluation and their reactivity towardsbiologically significant molecules. In the third part, the results of the spectroscopic and singlecrystal X-ray diffraction analysis of the synthesized copper(II), zinc(II) and silver(I)complexes have been presented, the results obtained by evaluation of their antimicrobial andcytotoxic activity, as well as the results of their interactions with biomolecules.

Opis (srp)

U okviru ove doktorske disertacije, sintetisani su kompleksi bakra(II),cinka(II) i srebra(I) sa ligandima koji sadrže piridin kao potencijalniantimikrobni agensi. Sintetisani kompleksi su strukturno okarakterisaniprimenom spektroskopskih, elektrohemijskih i kristalografskih metoda. Ispitivanaje njihova antimikrobna aktivnost na različitim bakterijskim i gljivičnim vrstama.Pored toga, ispitivana je i antiproliferativna aktivnost sintetisanih kompleksa nazdravoj ćelijskoj liniji fibroblasta pluća (MRC-5) u cilju određivanja njihoveeventualne citotoksičnosti, to jest terapeutskog profila.Strukturne osobine i antimikrobna aktivnost sintetisanih kompleksabakra(II), cinka(II) i srebra(I) su poređene sa odgovarajućim osobinama strukturnosličnih kompleksa, kao i sa lekovima koji se primenjuju u terapiji infekcijaizazvananih mikroorganizmima.U prvom delu doktorske disertacije opisan je problem razvoja rezistentnostimikroorganizama na klinički korišćene lekove, koji predstavljaju derivateorganskih jedinjenja. Pored toga, prikazan je značaj jedinjenja na bazi jona metala, kojasu još od davnih vremena pokazala efekte u terapiji infekcija izazvanihmikroorganizmima i drugih bolesti. Dat je pregled kompleksa bakra(II), cinka(II) isrebra(I) sa aromatičnim heterocikličnim ligandima koji sadrže donorski atomazota i koji su pokazali antimikrobnu aktivnost. U drugom delu disertacije, opisanisu postupci za sintezu kompleksa bakra(II), cinka(II) i srebra(I), metode korišćene zanjihovu strukturnu karakterizaciju, ispitivanje njihove antimikrobne aktivnosti,kao i za ispitivanje njihove reaktivnosti prema biološki značajnim molekulima.U trećem delu prikazani su rezultati spektroskopske karakterizacije i rendgenskestrukturne analize sintetisanih kompleksa, rezultati ispitivanja njihoveantimikrobne i citotoksične aktivnosti, kao i rezultati interakcija sintetisanihkompleksa sa biomolekulima.

Opis (srp)







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