Naslov (srp)

Povezanost kliničkih, biohemisjkih i imunskih parametara ateroskleroze kao prediktora kardiovaskularnog rizika kod obolelih od ulceroznog kolitisa


Lugonja, Sofija, 1983-


Zdravković, Nataša, 1973-
Cvetković, Aleksandar, 1977-
Milošević, Bojan, 1976-
Milovanović, Tamara, 1972-

Opis (srp)

Uvod i ciljevi: Ateroskleroza (AT) je jedna od najznačajnijih kardiovaskularnihmanifestacija ulceroznog kolitisa (UK). Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da ispitapoveznost kliničkih, biohemijskih i imunskih parametara AT, kao prediktorakardiovaskularnog rizika, sa kliničkim, patohistološkim i imunskim parametrimaobolelih od UK.Materijali i metode: Klinička, opservaciona studija preseka, u kojoj suupoređivani i testirani parametri u grupama ispitanika - eksperimentalnoj ikontrolnoj. Ispitanici su podeljeni u četiri grupe. Prva grupa 25 ispitanika sa UKi AT, druga 39 ispitanika sa UK bez AT, treća 31 sa AT bez UK i četvrta 25 zdravihkontrola.Rezultati: Postoji statistički značajna razlika sa višim vrednostma SE, Ag Tr ASPIi Ag Tr TRAP kod ispitanika sa UK i AT u odnosu na ispitanike sa UK bez AT, kao iviši niovi SE, CRP, Ag Tr ADP, Ag Tr ASPI, Ag Tr TRAP, Le, Tr i FKP u poređenju saispitanicima sa AT bez UK. Ag Tr TRAP je prediktor AT kod ispitanika sa UK sanajvećom senzitivnošću i specifičnošću. Kardiovaskularni rizik ispitanika saUK i AT je veći nego kod ispitanika sa UK bez AT. Najteže forme UK procenjenekliničkim i endoskopskim skorovima bile su učestalije kod ispitanika sa UK bezAT. Veće vrednosti markera inflamacije, agregacije trombocita i citokinaregistrovane su kod najtežih formi UK, koje su procenjene kliničkim, endoskopskimi patohistološkim skorom. Niže vrednosti vrednosti LDL, Hol, TGL, non HDL,koronarnog rizik indeksa, aterogenog indeksa, aterogenog indeksa plazme, Remnantholesterola registrovane su kod ispitanika sa metaboličkim sindromom sa UC i AT.Zaključci: CRP, IL-6, TNF-α, Ag Tr ADP, Ag Tr ASPI i Ag Tr TRAP mogli bi bitidobri diskriminacijski markeri za pacijente sa UC u identifikaciji onih sanajvećim rizikom za razvoj ateroskleroze.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

Background and Objectives: Atherosclerosis (AT) is one of the most significantcardiovascular manifestations of ulcerative colitis (UC). The aim of the research was tocompare the relationship between clinical, biochemical and immune parameters of AT, aspredictors of cardiovascular risk, with clinical, pathohistological and immune parameters ofpatients with UC.Materials and Methods: Clinical, observational, and cross-sectional study was performed,during which clinical and laboratory parameters were compared and tested in theexperimental and control groups of subjects. The respondents were divided into four groups.The first group consisted of 25 subjects with UC and AT, the second of 39 subjects with UCwithout AT, the third of 31 subjects with AT without UC, whilethe fourth group accounted 25healthy controls.Results: A statistically significant difference, with higher values of SE, Ag Tr ASPI and AgTr TRAP in subjects with UC and AT compared to subjects with UC without AT, as well ashigher levels of SE, CRP, Ag Tr ADP, Ag Tr ASPI, Ag Tr TRAP, Le, Tr and FCP comparedto subjects with AT without UC, was noted. According to our results, Ag Tr TRAP predictedAT in subjects with UC with the highest sensitivity and specificity. The cardiovascular risk ofsubjects with UC and AT is higher than in subjects with UC without AT. The most severeforms of UC assessed by clinical and endoscopic scores were more frequent in subjects withUC without AT. Higher values of markers of inflammation, platelets aggregability andcytokines were registered in the most severe forms of UC, which were evaluated by clinical,endoscopic and pathohistological scores. Lower values of LDL cholesterol, Hol, TGL, nonHDL cholesterol, coronary risk index, atherogenic index, plasma atherogenic index, Remnantcholesterol were registered in subjects with metabolic syndrome with UC and AT.Conclusions: CRP, IL-6, TNF-α, Ag Tr ADP, Ag Tr ASPI and Ag Tr TRAP could be gooddiscriminating markers for UC patients to identify those at the highest risk of developingatherosclerosis.






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