Naslov (srp)

Parametri kvaliteta silaža lucerke i crvene deteline u zavisnosti od udela vrsta u smeši, sabijenosti i dodataka


Lazarević, Đorđe, 1984-


Stevović, Vladeta, 1966-
Đorđević, Nenad, 1963-
Lugić, Zoran, 1963-
Tomić, Dalibor, 1984-

Opis (eng)

A problem that occurs when ensiling alfalfa is the proteolysis process, which canpartialy be avoided. The reduction of the extent of proteolysis can be influenced by ensiling ina mixture with red clover, then certain additives, as well as the intensity of compaction.The research was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of a mixture ofalfalfa and red clover, mixed in different ratios (100:0, 90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70 and 0:100),with the addition of additives - two doses of oak tannin extract (6 g kg-1 DM and 12 g kg-1DM) and bacterial inoculant (Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus plantarum and Bacillus brevis),as well as different compactions (700 g dm-3and 550 g dm-3) on chemical composition,digestibility, nutritional value, fermentation quality and microbiological properties of silage.The content of ammonia and soluble nitrogen in total nitrogen indicates that red cloverhad a positive effect on the reduction of proteolysis in the mixture compared to the pureculture of alfalfa. Bacterial inoculant and oak tannin in the amount of 6 g kg-1 DM also provedto be effective in this regard, reducing the ammonia and soluble nitrogen content of the silagecompared to the control. The compaction of 700 g dm-3proved to be more suitable in terms ofthe content of ammonia nitrogen in the total nitrogen, which was significantly lower than thecontent at the compaction intensity of 550 g dm-3. The content of non-protein nitrogen in thepure culture of red clover, as well as in the mixture with 30% alfalfa and 70% red clover, wassignificantly lower compared to the other mixtures.Ensiling in mixture with red clover had a positive effect on the reduction ofproteolysis in alfalfa.

Opis (srp)

Problem koji se javlja pri siliranju lucerke je proces proteolize koji sedelimično može izbeći. Na smanjenje obima proteolize može uticati siliranje usmeši sa crvenom detelinom, zatim određeni aditivi, kao i intenzitet sabijenosti.Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem utvrđivanja uticaja smeše lucerke icrvene deteline, pomešanih u različitim odnosima (100:0, 90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70 i0:100), uz dodatak aditiva – dve doze ekstrakta hrastovog tanina (6 g kg-1 SM i 12 g kg-1SM) i bakterijskog inokulanta (Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus plantarum i Bacillusbrevis), kao i različitih sabijenosti (700 g dm-3 i 550 g dm-3) na hemijski sastav,svarljivost, hranljivu vrednost, kvalitet fermentacije i mikrobiološke osobinesilaža.Sadržaj amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota u ukupnom azotu ukazuje da je crvenadetelina pozitivno uticala na smanjenje proteolize u smeši u odnosu na čistukulturu lucerke. Efikasni u ovom pogledu su se takođe pokazali bakterijskiinokulant i hrastov tanin u količini od 6 g kg-1 SM, smanjivši sadržaj amonijačnogi rastvorljivog azota silaže u odnosu na kontrolu. Sabijenost od 700 g dm-3sepokazala pogodnijom u pogledu sadržaja amonijačnog azota u ukupnom azotu koji je bioznačajno niži od sadržaja pri sabijenosti intenziteta 550 g dm-3. Sadržajneproteinskog azota je kod čiste kulture crvene deteline, kao i kod smeše sa 30%lucerke i 70% crvene deteline bio značajno niži u odnosu na ostale smeše.Siliranje u smeši sa crvenom detelinom je pozitivno uticalo na smanjenjeproteolize kod lucerke.

Opis (srp)







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