Naslov (srp)

Uticaj kalcijum-hlorida na promenu kvaliteta ploda jabuke (Malus x domestica Borkh.) tokom skladištenja


Rilak, Boris, 1990-


Glišić, Ivan, 1974-
Milošević, Tomo, 1960-
Lukić, Milan, 1972-
Milinković, Mira, 1979-
Tomić, Jelena, 1984-
Paunović, Gorica, 1967-

Opis (srp)

Tokom trogodišnjeg perioda (2018–2021.) ispitivan je uticaj folijarnoghraniva na bazi kalcijum-hlorida i dužine skladištenja u hladnjači sa normalnomatmosferom na fizičke i hemijske osobine ploda pet sorti jabuke. Pored navedenog,praćen je i uticaj primene folijarnog hraniva na rodnost proučavanih sorti jabuke.Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da prinos nije varirao u zavisnosti odfolijarnog tretmana, već da je bio sortno specifičan. Najbolji rezultati u ovompogledu zabeleženi su kod sorti ‘Gloster’ i ‘Red Chief’, a najlošiji kod sorte ‘GrannySmith’. Folijarna primena kalcijum-hlorida je pozitivno uticala na čvrstinu plodaproučavanih sorti jabuke ali nije uticala na smanjenje gubitka mase ploda. Dobijenirezultati pokazuju da je optimalna dužina skladištenja plodova u hladnjači sanormalnom atmosferom za sorte ‘Gloster’, ‘Golden Delicious Reinders®’, ‘Morren’sJonagored®’ i ‘Red Chief’ iznosila četiri meseca, a za plodove sorte ‘Granny Smith’šest meseci. Hemijski sastav ploda proučavanih sorti jabuke u najvećem brojuslučajeva bio je uslovljen interakcijom faktora varijabilnosti. Tokom skladištenjaje uočen trend pada sadržaja ukupnih kiselina u plodu, dok u pogledu sadržajarastvorljivih suvih materija, ukupnih i invertnih šećera i saharoze nije uočenapravilnost u tendenciji rezultata. Folijarni tretmani su ispoljili pozitivan uticajna sadržaj ukupnih fenola i antioksidativni kapacitet ploda čije su se vrednostitokom skladištenja smanjivale. Sadržaj makroelemenata u plodu je takođe biouslovljen interakcijom tretmana i dužine skladištenja, sa tim da se uočavapravilnost da je veći sadržaj kalcijuma i više vrednosti odnosa između sadržajakalcijuma i magnezijuma utvrđene pri primeni kalcijum-hlorida.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

An experiment was conducted over three years (2018–2021) to examine the effects offoliar fertilization with calcium chloride and the duration of cold storage under normalatmosphere conditions on the physical and chemical properties of the fruit of five applecultivars. The study also evaluated the effect of the foliar fertilizer application on the fruityield of the apple cultivars.The experimental results showed that yield variations were not dependent on foliartreatment, but were rather cultivar-specific, with cvs. ‘Gloster’ and ‘Red Chief’ exhibiting thebest performance and cv. ‘Granny Smith’ the worst. The foliar spray of calcium chloride hada positive effect on apple fruit firmness. The treatment did not cause a reduction in fruitweight loss. The optimal duration of cold storage under normal atmosphere conditions wasfour months for ‘Gloster’, ‘Golden Delicious Reinders®’, ‘Morren’s Jonagored®’ and ‘RedChief’ apples, and six months for ‘Granny Smith’ fruits. The chemical composition of thefruit was mostly governed by the interaction between main variability factors. During storage,the total acid content of the fruit showed a decreasing trend, whereas no pattern in the trend ofdata was observed for soluble solids, total sugar, invert sugar and sucrose contents. Foliartreatments had a positive effect on the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of applefruits; their values decreased during storage. Macronutrient levels in apple fruits were alsoaffected by the treatment x storage duration interaction, with a pattern found in the datashowing increased calcium levels and a higher calcium to magnesium ratio under calciumchloride treatment.






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