Naslov (srp)

Razvoj i testiranje skale za merenje stepena prihvatanja informacionih tehnologija u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije


Kraguljac, Vladimir, 1971-


Senić, Vladimir, 1977-
Dimitrovski, Darko, 1978
Marinković, Veljko, 1978-
Štavljanin, Velimir, 1974-

Opis (srp)

Razvoj i sveprisutnost informacionih tehnologija donose brojne mogućnosti za unapređenje usluga u hotelskom sektoru, što uključuje poboljšanje upravljanja, komunikacije sa gostima, rezervacija, marketinga i mnogih drugih aspekata. Međutim, prihvatanje ovih tehnologija od strane hotelskog sektora u Republici Srbiji nije dovoljno istraženo, a ne postoje ni pouzdane metode za merenje tog prihvatanja. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj i testiranje skale za merenje stepena prihvatanja informacionih tehnologija u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije. Ova skala će omogućiti merenje stavova i namera korisnika informacionih tehnologija u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije, kao i identifikovanje faktora koji utiču na prihvatanje informacionih tehnologija.Empirijsko istraživanje je sprovedeno anketiranjem zaposlenih u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije. Anketni upitnik je razvijen na osnovu teorija i modela prihvatanja informacionih tehnologija. Pored toga metodologija istraživanja je obuhvatila validaciju skale, njenu verifikaciju i statističku analizu.Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju validnost predložene skale i pratećeg prilagođenog UTAUT modela u kontekstu hotelskog sektora u Republici Srbiji. Takođe, rezultati potvrđuju da očekivane performanse, očekivani napor, uticaj okoline, hedonističke motivacije, opravdanost cene, navika i lična inovativnost pozitivno utiču na nameru korišćenja informacionih tehnologija. Značajne razlike su identifikovane u ponašanju zaposlenih u hotelskom sektoru u kontekstu upotrebe informacionih tehnologija, a u zavisnosti od profila ispitanika.Ova disertacija pruža nove alate i uvide koji mogu pomoći hotelskom sektoru da se efikasnije prilagodi digitalnom dobu kroz bolje razumevanje prihvatanja informacionih tehnologija u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije. Skala za merenje prihvatanja informacionih tehnologija u hotelskom sektoru Republike Srbije može biti od koristi za menadžere hotela i druge zainteresovane strane u donošenju odluka o primeni informacionih tehnologija.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

The development and ubiquity of information technologies offer numerous opportunities for enhancing services in the hotel sector, including improvements in management, guest communication, reservations, marketing, and many other aspects. However, the adoption of these technologies by the hotel sector in the Republic of Serbia is not sufficiently explored, and there are no reliable methods for measuring this acceptance. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and test a scale for measuring the degree of acceptance of information technologies in the hotel sector of the Republic of Serbia. This scale will enable the measurement of attitudes and intentions of information technology users in the Serbian hotel sector, as well as identifying factors that influence the acceptance of information technologies.Empirical research was conducted by surveying employees in the hotel sector of the Republic of Serbia. The survey questionnaire was developed based on theories and models of information technology acceptance. Additionally, the research methodology included scale validation, verification, and statistical analysis.The research results confirm the validity of the proposed scale and the accompanying adapted UTAUT model in the context of the hotel sector in the Republic of Serbia. The results also confirm that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, price value, habit, and personal innovativeness positively influence behavioral intention, i.e. intention to use information technologies. Significant differences were identified in the behavior of employees in the hotel sector in the context of information technology usage, depending on the profile of the respondents.This dissertation provides new tools and insights that can help the hotel sector more effectively adapt to the digital age by better understanding the acceptance of information technologies in the Serbian hotel sector. The scale for measuring the acceptance of information technologies in the hotel sector of the Republic of Serbia can be useful for hotel managers and other stakeholders in making decisions about the application of information technologies.






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