Naslov (srp)

Sinteza, struktura i antimikrobna aktivnost metal(II/III) kompleksa sa 2,2-dimetil-1,3-propandiamin-N, N,Nʼ, Nʼ-tetraacetatom


Gitarić, Jelena, 1985-


Glišić, Biljana, 1985-
Đuran, Miloš, 1952-
Radanović, Dušanka, 1961-
Drašković, Nenad S., 1967-
Vučenović, Ivana, 1976-
Ašanin, Darko

Opis (eng)

In order to investigate the influence of structural modifications of the 1,3-pdta ligandon the structural properties and biological activity of the metal(II/III) complexes, within thisdoctoral dissertation, the synthesis of 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate (2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta) and of the corresponding magnesium(II), manganese(II),cobalt(II/III), chromium(III) and cadmium(II) complexes has been performed. The structuralcharacterization of the synthesized complexes is also presented, as well as their antifungal andantibacterial activity. Moreover, to define the therapeutic potential of the synthesizedcomplexes, their antiproliferative activity on the healthy human lung fibroblast cell line(MRC-5) has been evaluated.The structural properties and antimicrobial activity of the obtained [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n– complexes have been compared with the corresponding properties of the analogous[M(1,3-pdta)]n– (1,3-propanediamine-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate) and [M(1,3-pndta)]n– ((±)-1,3-pentanediamine-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetate) complexes.In the first part of the doctoral dissertation, the importance of metal complexes withdiaminotetracarboxylate ligands is presented and an overview of metal complexes with 1,3-pdta-type ligands that have been synthesized so far and structurally characterized using X-raystructural analysis is given. Procedures for the synthesis of [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n–complexes (M = Mg(II), Mn(II), Cd(II), Co(II/III) and Cr(III)) and methods for their structuralcharacterization and biological evaluation are described in the second part of the dissertation,while in the third part, which refers to the Discussion of the results, the results of thespectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of the synthesized [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n– (M = Mg(II), Mn(II), Cd(II), Co(II/III) and Cr(III)) complexes, as well as the resultsobtained by evaluation of their antimicrobial activity and toxicity, have been presented.

Opis (srp)

U cilju ispitivanja uticaja strukturnih modifikacija u 1,3-pdta ligandu nastrukturne osobine i biološku aktivnost metal(II/III) kompleksa u okviru ovedoktorske disertacije, opisana je sinteza 2,2-dimetil-1,3-propandiamin-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetata (2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta), kao i odgovarajućih kompleksa magnezijuma(II),mangana(II), kobalta(II/III), hroma(III) i kadmijuma(II). Opisana je i strukturnakarakterizacija sintetisanih kompleksa, kao i njihova antifungalna iantibakterijska aktivnost. Takođe, u cilju definisanja terapeutskog potencijalasintetisanih kompleksa, ispitivana je njihova antiproliferativna aktivnost premazdravoj ćelijskoj liniji fibroblasta pluća (MRC-5).Strukturne osobine i antimikrobna aktivnost sintetisanih [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n–kompleksa su poređene sa odgovarajućim osobinama analognih [M(1,3-pdta)]n–(1,3-propandiamin-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetat) i [M(1,3-pndta)]n– ((±)-1,3-pentandiaminN,N,N’,N’-tetraacetat) kompleksa.U prvom delu doktorske disertacije opisan je značaj kompleksnih jedinjenjametala sa diaminotetrakarboksilatnim ligandima i dat je prikaz kompleksa metala saligandima 1,3-pdta-tipa, koji su do sada sintetisani i strukturno okarakterisaniprimenom rendgenske strukturne analize. Postupci za sintezu [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n–kompleksa (M = Mg(II), Mn(II), Cd(II), Co(II/III) i Cr(III)) i metode za njihovustrukturnu karakterizaciju i biološko ispitivanje opisani su u drugom deludisetracije, dok su u trećem delu, koji se odnosi na Diskusiju rezultata prikazanirezultati spektroskopske i kristalografske karakterizacije sintetisanih [M(2,2-diMe-1,3-pdta)]n–(M = Mg(II), Mn(II), Cd(II), Co(II/III) i Cr(III)) kompleksa, kao irezultati dobijeni ispitivanjem njihove antimikrobne aktivnosti i toksičnosti.

Opis (srp)







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