Modulacija citokinskog profila gingivalne tečnosti primenom različitih aproksimalnih dentalnih ispuna
Stefanović, Vladimir, 1974-
Jovičić, Bojan, 1969-
Popović, Milica, 1965-
Đukić, Mirjana, 1961-
Milosavljević, Marko, 1980-
Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most prevalent diseases in the human population,which results in the production of numerous cytokines.Materials and Methods: The concentration of cytokines of were determined by flowcytofluorimetry in GCF according to the caries grade and the type of applied dental material fortemporary or permanent tooth restoration in proximally localized cavities. 90 patients, whose GCFsamples were taken in 3 appointments, were divided into groups according to the degree of carieslesion and the type of DRM used.Results: Among patients of the K III group, before therapy, an increase in IL-2, IFN-γ andIL-4 was observed in GCF samples, and a month after treatment, IL-22, IL-1β and TNF-α levelswere increased as well. In the K IV group, an increase in IL-9 was detected before restoration, andan increase in IL-9 and IL-12 was observed after one month. In the K V group, before the start oftherapy, an increase in IL-12, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, IL-22, IL-1β and TNF-α was recorded, and aftera month, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-13 demonstrated higher levels. In the case of temporary fillings,there is a significantly higher increase in IL-2 levels.Conclusion: Before therapy, the Th1 response profile dominates in caries stage III, whilethe Th2 profile is detected in caries stage V. Different DRMs induced particular cytokine profilesin GCF. Application of GJC as well as CPC induced an increase in 7 cytokines each, while CFCapplication increased only IL-9. Treatment with BEA induced a significant increase in IL-12, IFN-, IL-22 and IL-9. Application of AMA materials increase in IL-10 and TNF-, while TECinduced an increase in IL-10.
Uvod: Dentalni karijes je jedno od najprevalentnijih oboljenja u ljudskoj populaciji,koje za posledicu ima i produkciju brojnih citokina.Materijal i metode: Utvrđivana je koncentracija citokina, metodom protočnecitofluorimetrije, u GCF prema stepenu karijesa i vrsti primenjenog dentalnogmaterijala za privremenu ili trajnu restauraciju zuba kod aproksimalno lokalizovanihkaviteta. 90 ispitanika je podeljeno prema stepenu lezije karijesa i prema vrstikorišćenog DRM, a čiji su uzorci GCF uzimani su u 3 termina.Rezultati: Kod ispitanika grupe K III, pre terapije, u uzorcima GCF uočen je porastIL-2, IFN-γ i IL-4 a mesec dana nakon lečenja i porast IL-22, IL-1β i TNF-α. U K IV grupipre restauracije detektovan je porast IL-9, a posle mesec dana porast IL-9 i IL-12. Kod KV grupe, pre započete terapije zabeležen je porast IL-12, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, IL-22, IL-1β iTNF-α, a nakon mesec dana IL-5, IL-6, IL-10 i IL-13. Kod privremenih ispuna značajno jeveći porast IL-2.Zaključak: Pre terapije, kod III stepena karijesa dominira profil Th1 odgovora, dokje Th2 profil detektovan kod V stepena karijesa. Različiti DRM indukovali su posebneprofile citokina u GCF. Primena GJC kao i CPC je indukovala porast po 7 citokina, dokje primena CFC porast isključivo IL-9. Tretman sa BEA indukovao je značajan porast IL12, IFN- , IL-22 i IL-9. Ispuni sa AMA bili su povezani sa značajnim porastom IL-10 iTNF-, dok je TEC indukovao porast IL-10.
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