Povezanost ekspresije galektina-3 i inflamacijskih citokina u preterminskom porođaju sa horioamnionitisom
Jović, Nikola, 1987-
Varjačić, Mirjana, 1958-
Miković, Željko, 1960-
Milovanović, Jelena, 1981
Babić, Goran M., 1960-
Pathogenetic mechanisms of preterm birth (PB) have been insufficiently investigated. The most common cause of PB is an inflammatory reaction, predominantly chorioamnionitis, where the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 participated. Although it has been shown in various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases that GAL-3 stimulates the production of IL1β and IL-6, the association between the expression of GAL-3 and these cytokines in PB has not been investigated yet.We analyzed the expression of IL-1β, IL-6 and GAL-3 in the tissue of the placenta and fetal membranes, as well as the concentration of these molecules in the serum obtained from maternal peripheral blood and umbilical cord blood. We examined the correlation between the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, GAL-3 in the tissue of the placenta and fetal membranes, as well astheir serum concentrations, but also with biochemical markers of inflammation (WBC, CRP, fibrinogen) from maternal and umbilical cord blood.Our study showed increased expression of IL-1β and GAL-3 in placenta tissue, but also in maternal and umbilical cord serum in the group with preterm delivery and proven chorioamnionitis, compared to the control group. A positive correlation was also established between IL-1β and GAL-3 in the mentioned tissues, as well as with biochemical markers of inflammation (WBC, CRP, fibrinogen) from maternal and umbilical cord blood. Our study did not find a correlation between the expression of IL-6 in the tissue of the placenta and fetal membranes and the serum concentration of this cytokine from mother and the umbilical cord samples with the expression and concentration of IL-1β and GAL-3 in the mentioned tissues.Our study is the first to demonstrate the expression of the investigated cytokines and their mutual correlation in different compartments of the placenta (fetal membranes, chorionic villi and decidua), as well as their correlation with biochemical markers of inflammation.
Patogenetski mehanizmi nastanka preterminskog porođaja (PP) su nedovoljno ispitani. Najčešći razlog PP je inflamacijska reakcija, predominantno po tipu horioamnionitisa, u kojoj učestvuju inflamacijski citokini IL-1β i IL-6. Iako je u raznim akutnim i hroničnim inflamacijskim bolestima pokazano da GAL-3 stimulaciše produkciju IL-1β i IL-6, nije ispitivana udruženost ekspresije GAL-3 i ovih citokina u slučajevima PP. Analizirali smo ekspresiju IL-1β, IL-6 i GAL-3 u tkivu posteljice i plodovih ovojaka, kao i koncentraciju ovih molekula u serumu dobijenom iz periferne krvi majke i krvi pupčanika. Ispitivali smo korelaciju između ekspresije IL-1β, IL-6, GAL-3 u tkivu posteljice i plodovih ovojaka, kao i koncentracije u serumu međusobno, ali i sa biohemijskim markerima inflamacije (Le, CRP, fibrinogen) iz krvi majke i pupčanika.Naša studija je pokazala povećanu ekspresiju IL-1β i GAL-3 u tkivu posteljice, ali i u serumu majke i serumu pupčanika u grupi sa preterminskim porođajem i dokazanim horioamnionitisom, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Takođe utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između IL-1β i GAL-3 u navedenim tkivima međusobno, kao i sa biohemijskim markerima inflamacije (leukociti, CRP, fibrinogen) iz krvi majke i pupčanika. Naša studija nije našla korelaciju između ekspresije IL-6 u tkivu posteljice i plodovih ovojaka i koncentracije ovog citokina iz seruma majke ipupčanika sa ekspresijom i koncentracijom IL-1β i GAL-3 u navedenim tkivima. Naša studija je prva koja se pokazala ekspresiju ispitivanih citokina i njihovu međusobnu korelaciju u različitim kompartmanima posteljice (plodovi ovojci, horionske resice i decidua), kao i njihovu korelaciju sa biohemijskim markerima inflamacije.
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