Naslov (srp)

Ispitivanje faktora neadherence lekova u populaciji bolesnika sa arterijskom hipertenzijom


Nikolić, Aleksandra, 1968-


Đurić, Dušan, 1960-
Irić-Ćupić, Violeta, 1966-
Milovanović, Dragan, 1967-
Veličković-Radovanović, Radmila, 1961-

Opis (eng)

The one of the modern approaches and terms is adherence. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the term adherence, which refers to the degree of attachment or level of behavior of the patient in terms of medication, respect for the child or lifestyle changes that match the agreed recommendations of the health care provider. In relation to compliance, the patient is allowed to decide whether he wants to adhere or respect the doctor's decisions or not. Compared to compliance, the patient has an active role in adherence and is not just a passive figure. Adherence can definitely increase morbidity and mortality rates globally and is a public health problem that needs to be prevented. The general goal of this study was to analyze the factors that contribute to/interfere with adherence in patients on chronic antihypertensive therapy and in the case of drug use in patients with hypertension. The study sample consisted of respondents with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension of at least 12 months, who were interviewed during the period from January 1, 2019 to March 1, 2019 and were users of pharmaceutical health care of the Institution "Pharmacy Kragujevac" in Serbia. The results of this study showed that the internal consistency of the questionnaire as an instrument was checked by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient) and analyzing the interaction correlation. The coefficient of internal consistency proved to be high (α = 0.85), which speaks in favor of the reliability of the instrument. In addition, this study confirmed that four risk factors (increased number of medications, city life, forgetting about dosing regimen, and low energy) were associated with noncompliance in adult hypertensives. Educating patients in general practice as well as pharmacy, using various reminders such as mobile phone apps or daily checklists could be helpful in addressing forgetfulness and increased medication, while lifestyle modifications can increase adherence, especially among patients living in an urban area.

Opis (srp)

Jedan od savremenih pristupa i termina je adherenca. Svetska zdravstvenaorganizacija (SZO) je definisala termin adherenca, koji se odnosi na stepenprivrženosti odnosno nivo ponašanja pacijenta u pogledu uzimanja lekova, poštovanja dijete ili promene načina života koji se poklapa sa dogovorenimpreporukama zdravstvenog radnika koji propisuje pacijentu. U poređenju sakomplijansom, pacijent u adherenci ima aktivnu ulogu i ne predstavlja samo pasivnufiguru. Sa druge strane, neadherenca je poremećaj po mnogim autorima, i predstavljaproblem koji nekada zahteva i medicinski tretman. Neadherenca definitvno možepovećati stopu morbiditeta i mortaliteta u globalu i predstavlja problem javnogzdravlja koji treba prevenirati. Generalni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizafaktora koji doprinose/ometaju adherencu kod pacijenata na hroničnoj terapijiantihipertenzivima i uopšte u slučaju primene lekova kod pacijenata sahipertenzijom. Studijski uzorak činili su ispitanici sa dijagnozom arterijskehipertenzije od najmanje 12 meseci, koji su anketirani tokom perioda od 01. januara2019. godine do 01.marta 2019. godine i bili korisnici farmaceutske zdravstvenezaštite Ustanove “Apoteka Kragujevac” u Srbiji. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da je interna konzistentnost upitnika kaoinstrumenta proverena izračunavanjem Kronbahovog alfa koeficijenta (Cronbach Alfa coefficient) i analizom interajtem korelacija. Koeficijent interne konzistencije sepokazao visokim (α = 0,85) što govori u prilog pouzdanosti instrumenta. Pored toga, ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo da su četiri faktora rizika (povećan broj lekova, život u gradu, zaborav na režim doziranja i niska energija) povezana sanepridržavanjem kod odraslih hipertoničara. Edukacija pacijenata u ordinacijiopšte prakse, kao i u apoteci, korišćenje različitih podsetnika kao što suaplikacije za mobilne telefone ili dnevna lista za proveru mogli bi biti korisni urešavanju zaboravnosti i povećanog broja lekova, dok modifikacija životnog stilamože povećati pridržavanje, posebno među pacijentima koji žive u gradskompodručju.

Opis (srp)







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