Naslov (srp)

Uporedna analiza zdravstveno-ekonomskih pokazatelja odabranih zemalja Balkana i Istočne Evrope


Stepović, Miloš, 1991-


Rančić, Nemanja, 1984-
Vekić, Berislav, 1961-
Kocić, Sanja, 1968-
Radević, Svetlana, 1980-
Dragojević-Simić, Viktorija, 1962-

Opis (eng)

Serbia and the Balkan countries share many historical specifics and a common heritage of health care with the countries of Eastern Europe. Health indicators are used in the assessment of the state of health of the general population, diseases, self-assessment of health status, as well as in order to assess the number of health workers and health technologies in medicine. In most Balkan countries, the number of health workers is insufficient, and the prevalence of chronic diseases and the number of hospital beds are constantly increasing. Most countries focus on secondary health care measures, rather than prevention measures. In the countries of the Euro-Asian Union, the great recession and the consequent mortality crisis around 1998 ended in the 1990s, and the upward trajectory has been continuing continuously for two decades. The consequences of such socio-economic processes in the public health department will be the subject of this study.The research was conducted in the form of a retrospective observational epidemiological study, the observation period had range from 1960 to 2016, it monitored 17 countries of the Balkans and Eastern Europe and 45 health indicators that weredownloaded from publicly available World Health organizations databases, EuroStat and the Russian Federation that deal with long-term evaluation and monitoring of indicators obtained from national authorities.Health indicators of health status and indicators on the utilization of health services, in contrast to demographic and socio-economic ones, have been applied much more in the last few decades, especially in the Balkan countries. The research shows the progress of countries of interest in the field of public health in the long run in positive medical indicators, with greater or lesser deviation, with the Balkan countries lagging behind the countries of Eastern Europe to a lesser extent but still following a positive trend.Based on the comparison of efficiency and effectiveness with neighboring countries, the exchange of ideas and consideration of different approaches to certain segments in health care can enrich the medical system of another country with a weaker organization. Universal health coverage is the main goal in health, but the process of achieving it is complex, time-consuming and requires more detailed consideration and research, as well as understanding of the functioning of health systems in other countries, especially neighboring countries or those belonging to the same region.

Opis (srp)

Srbija i zemlje Balkana dele mnoge istorijske specifičnosti i zajedničko nasleđe zdravstvene zaštite sa zemljama Istočne Evrope. Zdravstveni indikatori se koriste u proceni stanja zdravlja opšte populacije, oboljevanja, samoprocene zdravstvenog statusa, kao i u cilju procene broja zdravstvenih radnika i zdravstvenih tehnologija u medicini. U većini balkanskih zemalja, broj zdravstvenih radnika je nedovoljan, a prevalenca hroničnih bolesti i broj bolničkih postelja se stalno povećavaju. Većina zemalja se fokusira na sekundarne mere zdravstvene zaštite, pre nego na mere prevencije. U zemljama Evro-Azijske Unije se 1990tih okončala velika recesija i sledstvena kriza mortaliteta oko 1998. godine i uzlazna putanja se nastavlja u kontinuitetu već dve decenije. Posledice ovakvih socioekonomskih procesa u javnozdravstvenom resoru biće predmet posmatranja ove studije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u vidu retrospektivne opservacione epidemiološke studije, vremenski period posmatranja je u rasponu od 1960. do 2016. godine, pratilo se 17 zemalja Balkana i Istočne Evrope i 45 zdravstvenih indikatori koji su preuzeti sa javno dostupnih baza Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, EvroStata i Ruske Federacije, koje se bavedugoročnom evaluacijom i praćenjem indikatora dobijenih od nacionalnih vlasti. Zdravstveni indikatori u oblasti zdravstvenog statusa i inikatori o korišćenju zdravstvenih usluga se za razliku od demografskih i socioekonomskih primenjuju mnogo više u poslednjih par decenija, naručito u balkanskim zemljama. Istraživanje pokazuje progres zemalja od interesa u oblasti javnog zdravlja u dugoročnom period u pozitivnim medicinskim indikatorima, sa većim ili manjim odstupanjem, pri čemu balkanske zemlje u manjem stepenu zaostaju u odnosu na zemlje Istočne Evrope ali ipakprate pozitivan trend. Na osnovu poređenja efikasnosti i efektivnosti sa susednim zemljama, razmena ideja i razmatranje drugačijih pristupa određenim segmentima u zdravstvu može obogatiti medicinski sistem druge zemlje sa slabijom organizacijom. Univerzalno zdravstveno pokriće je osnivni cilj u zdravstvu, ali je sam proces njegovog postizanja složen, dugotrajan i zahteva detaljnija razmatranja i istraživanja, kao i razumevanje u funkcionisanju zdravstvenih sistema drugih država, naročito zemalja iz okruženja, odnosno onih koje pripadaju istom regionu.

Opis (srp)







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