Naslov (srp)

Uticaj organizacionog dizajna na angažovanost zaposlenih u digitalnom okruženju


Stevanović, Aleksandra S., 1990-


Stojanović-Aleksić, Vesna, 1970-
Janićijević, Nebojša, 1960-
Erić Nielsen, Jelena, 1977-
Slavković, Marko, 1980-

Opis (srp)

U eri digitalizacije, dolazi do transformacionih promena u poslovnim modelimasavremenih preduzeća, što implicira promene u celom organizacionom dizajnu. Smatrase da je za uspeh preduzeća, naročito u tehnološki intenzivnim delatnostima, bitnaagilnost, usklađenost elemenata dizajna, i, posebno, angažovanost radne snage. Ljudskifaktor postaje ključni izvor konkurentske prednosti i zato pitanja koja se tičumeđuzavisnosti organizacionog konteksta i individualnih ishoda postaju sve značajnija.Osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije jeste utvrđivanje uticaja organizacionog dizajna naangažovanost zaposlenih u digitalnom poslovnom okruženju. Analiziran je uticaj dizajnaposla, i to strukturalne, kognitivne i socijalne dimenzije posla, na angažovanostzaposlenih. Zatim je ispitan indirektan uticaj strategijske agilnosti, organizacionestrukture, procesa i sistema, preko dimenzija dizajna posla, na angažovanost zaposlenih.Na kraju je testirano da li organizaciona identifikacija ima moderatorsku ulogu uuticaju dizajna posla na angažovanost zaposlenih.Nakon teorijskog razmatranja osnovnih fenomena i njihovih međusobnih veza, sprovedenoje empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku od 270 ispitanika, zaposlenih u 100 preduzeća udelatnosti informisanja i komunikacija u Republici Srbiji. Za prikupljanje podatakakorišćena je anketa, a rezultati su obrađeni različitim statističkim tehnikama.Sprovedena je deskriptivna analiza uzorka, analiza pouzdanosti mernih skala bazirana naKronbahovom koeficijentu alfa, konfirmativna faktorska analiza, kao i modeliranjestrukturalnih jednačina.Rezultati su pokazali da sve tri dimenzije dizajna posla delimično utiču na angažovanostzaposlenih, kao i da je uticaj najjači u slučaju autonomije zaposlenih kao karakteristikeposla. Utvrđeno je da svi elementi organizacionog dizajna, osim podele rada iformalizacije, imaju indirektan uticaj na angažovanost preko neke od karakteristikaposla, kao i da organizaciona identifikacija u nekim vezama karakteristika posla iangažovanosti ima značajnu ulogu moderatora.Istraživanje ima relevantne teorijske i praktične implikacije. Teorijski doprinos se,između ostalog, ogleda u osvetljavanju značaja ispitivanja organizacionog dizajna kaomultidimenzionalnog fenomena i njegovih kompleksnih reperkusija na individualnomnivou. Praktično, rezultati istraživanja mogu biti korisni menadžerima svih nivoa zadizajniranje organizacije koja će omogućiti visoke nivoe angažovanosti, naročito udigitalnom okruženju. Osnovna ograničenja se tiču veličine uzorka, kao i činjenice da jeistraživanje sprovedeno na teritoriji jedne države, što predstavlja osnovu za proširenjedobijenih saznanja u budućim istraživanjima.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

In the era of digitalization, business models of modern companies are facing transformationalchanges, which affect the entire organizational design. Agility, organizational alignment and theworkforce engagement are considered essential for business success, especially in technologicallyintensive industries. The human factor is becoming a key source of competitive advantage andtherefore, issues concerning the interdependence of organizational context and individual outcomesare becoming increasingly important. The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is to determine theimpact of organizational design on employee engagement in the digital business environment. Theinfluence of job design, namely the structural, cognitive and social dimensions, on employeeengagement was analyzed. Then, the indirect impact of strategic agility, organizational structure,processes and systems, through the dimensions of job design, on employee engagement wasexamined. Finally, it was tested whether organizational identification has a moderating role in theimpact of job design on employee engagement.After the theoretical consideration of the basic phenomena and their mutual connections, anempirical research was conducted on a sample of 270 respondents, employed in 100 companies inthe information and communication industry in the Republic of Serbia. A survey was used to collectdata, and the results were processed using various statistical techniques. A descriptive analysis ofthe sample, an analysis of the measurement scales’ reliability based on the Cronbach's alphacoefficient, a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as structural equation modeling were performed.The results showed that all three dimensions of job design partially affect employee engagement,while the impact of job autonomy is the strongest. It was found that all elements of organizationaldesign, except the division of labor and formalization have an indirect impact on engagementthrough some of the job characteristics. Also, organizational identification has a significantmoderating role in some relationships between job characteristics and engagement.The research has relevant theoretical and practical implications. The theoretical contribution isinter alia reflected in highlighting the importance of organizational design as a multilayeredphenomenon which has complex repercussions at the individual level. Practically, research resultscan be useful to managers at all levels in order to design an organization that will enable high levelsof engagement, especially in the digital environment. The main limitations concern the size of thesample, as well as the fact that the research was conducted in one country, which is the basis forexpanding the knowledge in future research.






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