Naslov (srp)

Zakonik o sudskom postupku u građanskim parnicama od 1929. godine


Gavrilović, Biljana, 1992-, 24126567


Pavlović, Marko, 1956-, 13435751
Palačković, Dušica, 1955-, 16728423
Ranđelović, Nebojša V., 1967-, 8558951
Čvorović, Zoran, 1969-, 14967399

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The subject of research in the PhD thesis is the Code of Civil Procedure from 1929. The Code of Civil Procedure from 1929 was created as a result of the unification of civil procedural law on the territory of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The process of unification of civil procedural law lasted for a whole decade. Procrastination of unification was caused by legal debates between the Serbian jurists and jurists from other parts of the Kingdom(especially – across the Danube and Sava (and Drina) rivers). While the Serbs were fighting for the preservation of "their own", characteristic civil-procedural institutes, ie. to preserve own legal identity inside the Yugoslav Kingdom, jurists from other parts of the Kingdom were fighting for the reception of the so-called Klein's procedure. There were two main reasons for the reception of Klein's procedure. The first reason was that Klein's procedure, at the time when the process of unification of civil procedural law in the Kingdom of SCS was taking place, was the most modern procedure in Europe, based on contemporary principles, which were shaped in accordance with the ideas of fast and cheap trial. Another reason, in favor of the reception of Klein's procedure, was that it was already applied in some parts of the Yugoslav Kingdom. Accordingly, the process of unification ended with the total reception of Klein's procedure. The aim of the analysis of the research subject is, first of all, separation and interpretation of principles of civil procedure, but also other procedural institutes, which were considered as a contribution to a faster and cheaper trial. In order to describe them as accurately as possible, special attention was paid to the previous Serbian civil procedure solutions. The reason for that lies in the fact that Serbia was the carrier of unification with a fully developed process system, which at the same time was significantly different from the one created in 1929. Special types of proceedings, regulated by §§ 641 to 695 of the Code of Civil Procedure from 1929, remained outside the subject of research.All in all, through the analysis of the textof the law, but also its implementation in practice, it is shown whether a modern procedure, applied in one (Austrian) environment, can be successfully applied in another, different (Yugoslav) environment.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji je Zakonik o sudskom postupku u građanskim parnicama od 1929. godine. Ovaj Zakonik od 1929. godine je nastao kao rezultat unifikacije građanskog procesnog prava na prostoru Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. Dugogodišnji postupak unifikacije obeležile su pravne rasprave srbijanskog i prečanskog „fronta“. Srbijanci su se borili za očuvanje „svojih“, karakterističnih građansko–procesnih instituta, tj. za očuvanje svog pravnog identiteta i u jugoslovenskoj Kraljevini, a prečanski „front“ jenametao recepciju tzv. Klajnovog postupka. Klajnov postupak je, u vreme kada se odvijao proces unifikacije građanskog procesnog prava u Kraljevini SHS, bio najmoderniji postupak u Evropi, zasnovan na savremenim načelima, koja su oblikovana u skladu sa idejama brzog i jeftinog suđenja. Osim toga, u prilog recepcije Klajnovog postupka išlo je i to što se on već primenjivao u pojedinim krajevima jugoslovenske Kraljevine. Proces unifikacije je okončan totalnom recepcijom Klajnovog postupka. Cilj analize predmeta istraživanja jeste izdvajanje i obrada, pre svega, načela parničnog postupka, ali i drugih procesnih instituta, za koje se smatralo da doprinose bržem i jeftinijem suđenju. Radi njihovog što preciznijeg opisivanja, posebna pažnja je posvećena i dotadašnjim srbijanskim građansko–procesnim rešenjima, s obzirom na to da je Srbija bila nosilac ujedinjenja sa do kraja izgrađenim procesnim sistemom. Van predmeta istraživanja ostale su naročite vrste postupaka, regulisane §§641 do 695 Zakonika o sudskom postupku u građanskim parnicama od 1929. godine. Sve u svemu, kroz analizu zakonskog teksta, ali i njegovog sporvođenja u praksi, pokazuje se da li jedan moderan postupak, oproban u austrijskoj sredini, može ponoviti svoj uspeh i u drugoj, jugoslovenskoj sredini.






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