Naslov (srp)

Razvoj modela za integraciju sistema odlučivanja u proces konfiguracije složenih proizvoda


Grković, Vladan, 1987-, 26238567


Kolarević, Milan, 1958-, 22242407
Milanović, Dragan D., 1960-, 12550503
Anišić, Zoran, 1969-, 12977767
Đapić, Mirko, 1956-, 13596519
Petrović, Aleksandra, 1972-, 13615207
Bjelić, Mišo, 1976-, 22244199

Opis (eng)

The dominance of customer requirements in the modern market has imposed high standards in terms of quality, delivery time and product variability. In order to be competitive in the global market, manufacturers are required to be flexible in product design, to respond quickly to customer requirements and to be able to develop products according to individual customer requirements. In line with these trends, manufacturers are developing new integrated and customer-oriented systems for product development, technological processes and production. The initial stage of the research is to look at the existing level of knowledge in the field of product development. Emphasis is placed on the current Mass Customization strategy, which is an effective solution for customizing production and customer involvement in the product creation process, as well as the product configuration process, with particular reference to product architecture, platforms and configurators. The main part of the dissertation deals with the development of a general model for automatic configuration of the optimal variant of complex products, based on decision support systems, modular product platform and integration of product design, technological process design and production planning. The model consists of nine modules, most of which can be a specific configurator for a particular area, and together integrated into one unit, they are an automatic configuration system that allows to obtain a product configuration that meets the individual requirements of the customer and is economically most favorable to the manufacturer. The proposed model has a high degree of flexibility and versatility, can be further upgraded and can be integrated into the enterprise business system. IAKS MODULPRIM software system was developed for verification and validation of the proposed model. The verification and validation of the model was performed on eight examples of modular strongrooms from the range of safety equipment and showed that there are great opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the product development process, as well as to obtain a product configuration with significantly improved quality.

Opis (eng)


Opis (srp)

Dominacija zahteva kupca na savremenom tržištu je nametnula visoke standarde po pitanju kvaliteta, vremena isporuke i varijabilnosti proizvoda. Da bi bili konkurentni na globalnom tržištu, od proizvođača se zahteva da su fleksibilni pri oblikovanju proizvoda, da brzo reaguju na zahteve kupca i da su sposobni da razvijaju proizvode prema individualnim zahtevima kupca. U skladu sa ovim trendovima, proizvođači razvijaju nove integrisane i korisnički orijentisane sisteme za razvoj proizvoda, tehnoloških procesa i proizvodnje. Polazna faza istraživanja se odnosi na sagledavanje postojećeg nivoa znanja u oblasti razvoja proizvoda. Poseban akcenat je na trenutno aktuelnoj strategiji Mass Customization koja predstavlja efikasno rešenje za prilagođavanje proizvodnje i uključivanje kupaca u proces kreiranja proizvoda kao i na proces konfigurisanja proizvoda sa posebnim osvrtoma na arhitekturu, platforme i konfiguratore proizvoda.






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