Naslov (srp)

Socijalna dimenzija kvaliteta života obolelih od hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća


Vasiljević, Slađana, 1963-


Petrović, Marina, 1969-
Lazić, Zorica, 1956-
Milenković, Branislava, 1959-
Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: Introduction: According to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), it is characterized by a constant limitation of airflow in airways that is not completely reversible to therapy. The limitation of the flow is usually progressive and associated with increased inflammatory response to the inhaled particles and gas”. Obstruction degree assessment is based on the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1). This is one of the most important indicators of the disease's severity, and the FEV1 decline degree in the function of time is an indicator of the disease’s progression rate. For this reason FEV1 is an important prognostic factor in COLD. The frequency of COLD is, first of all, the result of cumulative exposure to various risk factors over several decades, and the prevalence of COLD is often found to be directly related to air pollution and frequency of smoking. Since the quality of life in the global sense is expressed as the ability to perform life and work functions and is measured by the degree of that ability in terms of physical and psychological status, somatic sensation, social interaction and personal perception of health, it is clear that all these factors are taken into account when assessing the COLD patients’ quality of life. This research has contributed to identifying social characteristics and the factors of living and working environment that mostly affect the COLD patients’quality of life. Methodology: The study covered 288 patients diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease based on the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria, J44- to ICD 10. The assessment of the severity of the illness of the diseased is based on symptoms, the severity of spirometric findings, the risk of exacerbations and the existence of comorbidity. The following instruments were used to test the quality of life in this study: St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ),Medical Outcomes Study SF-36 and EuroQol (EQ-5D)

Opis (srp)

SAŽETAK: Uvod: Prema Globalnoj inicijativi za hroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća (GOLD), definicija za HOBP glasi: „Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća je bolest koja se karakteriše stalnim ograničenjem protoka vazduha u disajnim putevima koje nije potpuno reverzibilno na terapiju. Ograničenje protoka je obično progresivno i udruženo sa pojačanim inflamatornim odgovorom pluća na inhalirane čestice i gas“. Procena stepena opstrukcije se vrši na osnovu forsiranog ekspiratornog volumena u prvoj sekundi (FEV1). Ovo je jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelja težine bolesti, a stepen opadanja FEV1 u funkciji vremena je pokazatelj brzine progresije oboljenja. Iz ovog razloga FEV1 je važan prognostički faktor u HOBP. Učestalost HOBP je, pre svega, rezultat kumulativnih izloženosti različitim faktorima rizika tokom više decenija, te se smatra da je prevalencija HOBP često u direktnoj vezi sa zagađenjem vazduha i učestalošću pušenja. Pošto se kvalitet života u globalnom smislu izražava kao sposobnost za obavljanje životnih i radnih funkcija, a meri se stepenom te sposobnosti u oblasti fizičkog, psihičkog stanja, somatskih senzacija, socijalne interakcije i lične percepcije zdravlja, jasno je da su svi ovi faktori uzeti u obzir prilikom procene kvaliteta života obolelih od HOBP. Ovo istraživanje doprinelo je da se identifikuju socijalne karakteristike, faktori životne i radne okoline koji u najvećoj meri utiču na kvalitet života obolelih od HOBP. Metodologija: Studijom je obuhvaćeno 288 pacijenata koji imaju dijagnostikovanu Hroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća, na osnovu kriterijuma Globalne inicijative za HOBP (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease-GOLD), J44 - prema MKB 10. Procena težine bolesti obolelih je bazirana na osnovu simptoma, težine poremećaja spirometrijskog nalaza, rizika od egzacerbacija i postojanju komorbiditeta. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta života u ovoj studiji su korišćeni sledeći instrumenti: St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), Medical Outcomes Study SF-36 i EuroQol (EQ-5D).






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