Naslov (srp)

Kvalitet života i mehanizmi odbrane kod profesionalnih vojnih lica sa sindromom sagorevanja na radu


Vojvodić, Aleksndra, 1984-


Dedić, Gordana, 1956-
Ignjatović-Ristić, Dragana, 1963-
Kocić, Sanja, 1968-
Mandić-Gajić, Gordana, 1960-

Opis (srp)

Pripadnici profesionalnog vojnog sastava su izloženi velikom broju stresora kako u toku ratnih tako i u mirnodopskim uslovima koji mogu dovesti do skrivenih ili manifestnih poremećaja, prvenstveno anksioznih i depresivnih, ali i razvoja sindroma sagorevanja na radu. U suočavanju sa svakodnevnim stresom, a sa ciljem redukcija tegoba koriste se mehanizmi odbrane. Cilj našeg istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje uticaja mehanizama odbrane i subjektivne procene kvaliteta života kod profesionalnih vojnih lica (PVL) Vojske Srbije sa sindromom sagorevanja na radu. Metodologija: U istraživanje (studija preseka) je bilo uključeno 311 pripadnika Vojske Srbije starosti od 25 do 55 godina, bez dijagnostikovanih psihičkih tegoba. U istraživanju su korišćeni: Upitnik za procenu mehanizama odbrane (Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40)), Maslah inventar sagorevanja (Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)),Upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF)) i Bekov inventar anksioznosti (Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)). Za obradu podataka korišćene su parametarske i neparametarske statističke metode. Rezulatati: PVL su najviše koristili zrele mehanizme odbrane, zatim neurotske, a najmanje nezrele mehanizme odbrane. Kod najvećeg broja PVL registrovana je minimalna anksioznost. PVL su najviše bili zadovoljni kvalitetom svojih socijalnih odnosa, a zatim psihičkim i fizičkim zdravljem, a najmanje uslovima sredine u kojoj su živeli i radili. Registrovan je nizak nivo sindroma sagorevanja na radu PVL na sve tri subskale sindroma sagorevanja na radu. Postojala je negativna korelacija između sindroma sagorevanja na radu i kvaliteta života. Postojala je pozitivna korelacija između anksioznosti i sve tri subskale (Emocionalna iscrpljenost, Depersonalizacija i Lično postignuće) sindroma sagorevanja; sa porastom anksioznosti, dolazilo je do rasta stepena sindroma sagorevanja. Postojala je negativna korelacija između anksioznosti i kvaliteta života; sa porastom anksioznosti opadao je kvalitet života u svim domenima. PVL sa prisutnim sindromom sagorevanja na radu koristili su nezrele mehanizme odbrane. Zreli mehanizmi odbrane su bili povezani s nižim nivoom sindroma sagorevanja, manjom anksioznošću i boljom percepcijom kvaliteta života. Humor je bio najznačajniji mehanizam odbrane u zaštiti od pojave anksioznosti. Porastom skora humora dolazilo je do porasta zadovoljstva kvalitetom života u sva četiri domena, kao i skorova zrelih mehanizama odbrane, dok je opadala emocionalna iscrpljenost i depersonalizacija kao i anksioznost. Anticipacija je negativno korelirala sa neurotskim i nezrelim mehanizmima odbrane kao i emocionalnom iscrpljenošću. Altruizam je pozitivno koreliroa sa kvalitetom fizičkog zdravlja i zadovoljstvom profesionalne sredine, a bez uticaja je na anksioznost i sindrom sagorevanja. Profesionalna vojna lica sa nižim stepenom sindroma sagorevanja na radu su bili manje anksiozni, koristili su zrele mehanizme odbrane i imali su percepciju boljeg kvaliteta života. Pol i bračno stanje PVL nisu uticali na kvalitet života, mehanizame odbrane, anksioznost i sindrom sagorevanja na radu. Stariji PVL su imali izraženiju emocionalnu iscrpljenost, lošiji kvalitet psihičkog i fizičkog zdravlja i socijalnih odnosa. PVL sa nižim obrazovanjem češće su koristili neurotske i nezrele mehanizme odbrane. Postojala je pozitivna korelacija između porasta nivoa obrazovanja i domena sredine kvaliteta života, a negativna korelacija između porasta nivoa obrazovanja i upotrebe nezrelih i neurotskih mehanizama odbrane. Postojala je pozitivna korelacija između prisustva somatske bolesti i emocionalne iscrpljenosti, depersonalizacije, anksioznosti, nezrelih mehanizama odbrane, a negativna korelacija između prisustva somatske bolesti i kvaliteta života. Zaključak: Primenom programa prevencije sindroma sagorevanja na radu kod PVL koji su pod pojačanim rizikom od njegove pojave kroz učenje veština savladavanja svakodnevnog stresa se može uticati na smanjenje anksioznosti i poboljšanje kvaliteta života. Takođe je značajna adekvatna selekcija pri raspoređivanju PVL na odgovarajuće dužnosti u okviru vojne službe, što bi im omogućilo kvalitetno funkcionisanja u okolnostima sa visokim nivoom stresa, kako u mirnodopskim, tako i u ratnim uslovima. Mere prevencije sindroma sagorevanja na radu u vojnoj sredini se odnose prvenstveno na promene individualnih faktora kao i na poboljšanje organizacionih karakteristika života i rada u vojnoj sredini. U težim slučajevima je potrebna i psihoterapijska pomoć, kao i medikamentozna.

Opis (eng)

Introduction: Members of a professional military force are exposed to a large number of stressors, during the war and in peaceful conditions that can lead to hidden or manifest disorders, primarily anxiety and depression, as well as the development of burnout syndrome. In dealing with day-to-day stress, defense mechanisms are used to reduce stress. The aim of our investigation is to determine the influence of the defense mechanism and the subjective assessment of the quality of life among professional military personnel of the Serbian Armed Forces with burnout syndrome. Methodology: 311 members of the Serbian Army, aged 25 to 55, took part in the study (crosssectional study), without diagnosed mental disorders. In the investigation were used: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF)) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). In statistical analysis parametric and non parametric statistical methods were used. Results: Professional military personnel (PMP) the most frequently used mature defense mechanisms, then neurotic, and the least frequently they used immature defense mechanisms. Minimum anxiety was registered in the highest number of PMP. PMP were most satisfied with the quality of their social relationships, then with physical and mental health, and the least with conditions in the environment in which they live and work. A low level of burnout syndrome was reported on all three subscales of this syndrome. There was a negative correlation between burnout syndrome and the quality of life. There was a positive correlation between anxiety and all three subscales (Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Achievement) of burnout syndrome; with an increase in anxiety increases the degree of burnout syndrome. There was a negative correlation between anxiety and quality of life; with an increase in anxiety decreases quality of life in all domains. PMP with the present burnout syndrome used immature defense mechanisms. Mature defense mechanisms were connected with a lower level of burnout syndrome, anxiety was less and perception of quality of life was better. Humor was the most important defense mechanism in protection of the appearance of anxiety. The increase in the humor also increased satisfaction with the quality of life in all four domains, as well as mature defense mechanism, while emotional exhaustion and depersonalization declined as well as anxiety. Anticipation negatively correlated with neurotic and immature defense mechanisms, as well as emotional exhaustion. Altruism positively correlated with the quality of physical health and satisfaction to professional environments, without affecting the anxiety and burnout syndrome. Professional military personnel with a lower level of burnout syndrome had less anxiety, used mature defense mechanisms and had better perception of quality of life. Gender and marital status of PMP did not affect the quality of life, defense mechanisms, anxiety and burnout syndrome. The older PMP expressed emotional exhaustion, poor quality of physical and physical health and social relationships. PMP with lower education more frequently used neurotic and immature defense mechanisms. There was a positive correlation between the increase of the education level and the domains of the average quality of life, the negative correlation between the increase of the education level and the use of immature and neurotic defense mechanisms. There was a positive correlation between the presences of somatic illnesses and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, anxiety, defense mechanisms, and a negative correlation between the presence of somatic illnesses and the quality of life. Conclusion: Applying the burnout prevention program to PMP which are at a higher risk of developing burnout syndrome, learning the ability to deal with daily stress can be encouraged to remove anxiety and improve quality of life. Adequate professional selection is very important in deploying PVL to appropriate duties within the military service, which would enable highquality functioning in circumstances with a high level of stress, both in peacetime and in war conditions. Preventive measures of the burnout syndrome in the military environment relate primarily to changes in individual factors as well as to improve the organizational characteristics of life and work in the military environment. In severe cases, psychotherapeutic help is needed as well as medication.






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