Naslov (srp)

Razvoj komunikativnih kompetencija u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika u visokom obrazovanju


Nešić, Ivana, 1984-


Stojković, Nadežda, 1969-
Pavlović, Vladan, 1978-
Spasić, Dragana, 1950-
Bakić-Mirić, Nataša, 1973-

Opis (eng)

The thesis The Development of Communicative Competence in Business English in Higher Education investigates the use of the communicative approach in teaching business English and its influence on students’ communicative competences. The aim of the thesis was primarily to determine the students’ attitudes about employing the communicative approach in teaching Business English and then to investigate the relationship between the students’ attitudes about the communicative approach and their communicative competence. The effects of psychological, social and pedagogical factors, such as motivation, anxiety and the language learning strategies on their communicative competence are examined as well. In addition to investigating the relationship between the students’ communicative competence and their attitudes about the communicative approach, as well as the relationship between the levels of motivation, anxiety and the use of language learning strategies and the levels of the students’ communicative competence, the aim of this thesis was to perform a needs analysis, which presents a starting point in the design of the teaching plan and program of English for Specific Purposes courses, that is for Business English courses. Namely, the current situation analysis and the target situation analysis have provided insights into the students’ needs which were used for making further conclusions which confirm certain results obtained by a statistical analysis and, at the same time, they provide suggestions and implications for future teaching practice. Mixed methods were applied in the research, including: collection and analysis of quantitative data obtained from the General questionnaire, Questionnaire about the use of the communicative approach, Questionnaire about students’ motivation and anxiety, Questionnaire about the use of language learning strategies and the Scale for assessing students’ communicative competences and their statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, frequency distribution, regression analysis), qualitative data obtained by analysing interviews and students’ language learning diaries. Triangulation was performed by integrating qualitative and quantitative data in order to confirm the obtained results. The research was conducted at the Business School of Applied Studies in Blace, during the winter academic semester in 2016/2017. The quantitative sample is represented by 43 students of the second and the third year of studies who attend the Business English course, whereas the qualitative sample obtained from interviews is represented by 21 students and 39 students’ language learning diaries. The obtained results indicate that although the students prefer the use of certain communicative activities in Business English, their attitudes do not influence the levels of their communicative competences. Namely, the relationship between their attitudes about the communicative approach and their communicative competences was not found. However, this research confirmed the existence of a relationship between the psychological, social and pedagogical factors and the results on the Scale for assessing communicative competence. In other words, motivated students achieve better results in terms of their communicative competences, as well as the students with lower levels of anxiety. This research also confirmed that the use of language learning strategies is very dominant among students and that it positively influences their communicative competence levels. Finally, the regression analysis identified the main predictors of the results on the Scale for assessing communicative competence: the duration of learning English, the self-evaluation of the reading and understanding skills and the use of metacognitive language learning.

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija Razvoj komunikativnih kompetencija u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika u visokom obrazovanju bavi se ispitivanjem primene komunikativnog pristupa u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika i njenim uticajem na komunikativne kompetencije studenata. Cilj disertacije je najpre bio da utvrdi stavove studenata o upotrebi komunikativnog pristupa u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika, a zatim da istraži vezu između stavova studenata o komunikativnom pristupu i njihovih komunikativnih kompetencija. Ispitivan je i uticaj psihološko-društvenih i pedagoških faktora poput motivacije, anksioznosti i strategija koje studenti koriste prilikom učenja engleskog jezika na njihove komunikativne kompetencije. Pored ispitivanja veza između komunikativnih kompetencija studenata i njihovih stavova o komunikativnom pristupu, kao i veze između stepena motivisanosti, anksiznosti, upotrebe strategija prilikom učenja engleskog jezika i nivoa komunikativnih kompetencija studenata, cilj ove disertacije je bio i da izvrši analizu potreba studenata koja predstavlja polaznu tačku u izradi nastavnog plana i programa kurseva engleskog jezika za posebne namene, odnosno poslovnog engleskog jezika. Naime, analiza trenutne situacije i ciljne situacije omogućila je uvid u potrebe studenata na osnovu kojih su izvedeni zaključci koji potkrepljuju nalaze dobijene statističkom analizom i ujedno pružaju sugestije i implikacije za buduću nastavnu praksu. U istraživanju su korišćene mešovite metode i one uključuju: prikupljanje i analizu kvantitativnih podataka dobijenih na osnovu Opšteg upitnika, Upitnika o primeni komunikativnog pristupa, Upitnika o motivisanosti i anksioznosti studenata, Upitnika o strategijama učenja stranog jezika i Skale za procenu komunikativnih kompetencija studenata i njihovu statističku obradu (deskriptivna statistika, korelaciona analiza, distribucija frekvencija, regresiona analiza), prikupljanje i analizu kvalitativnih podataka tehnikom intervjuisanja i pisanjem dnevnika o učenju engleskog jezika i njihovu analizu. Triangulacija je izvršena integracijom kvalitativnih podataka sa kvantitativnim podacima tako da oni potkrepljuju dobijene nalaze. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Visokoj poslovnoj školi strukovnih studija u Blacu u toku zimskog semestra akademske 2016/2017. godine, a kvantitativni uzorak predstavlja 43 studenata druge i treće godine studenata koji uče poslovni engleski jezik, dok kvalitativni uzorak dobijen na osnovu intervjua predstavlja 21 student, a na osnovu dnevnika 39 studenata. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da iako studenti preferiraju upotrebu pojedinih komunikativnih aktivnosti u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika, njihovi stavovi ne utiču na nivoe njihovih komunikativnih kompetencija. Naime, veza između stavova studenata prema komunikativnom pristupu i njihovih komunikativnih sposobnosti nije pronađena. Međutim, istraživanjem smo potvrdili da postoji određena povezanost između psihološko-društvenih i pedagoških faktora sa rezultatima na Skali za procenu komunikativne kompetencije. Drugim rečima, studenti koji su motivisani da uče engleski jezik ostvaruju bolje rezultate kada je komunikativna kompetencija u pitanju, kao i studenti kod kojih je anksioznost manje prisutna. Istraživanje je takođe pokazalo da je upotreba strategija kojima se studenti služe u učenju engleskog jezika veoma zastupljena i da povoljno utiče na nivoe njihovih komunikativnih kompetencija. Na kraju, regresionom analizom je utvrđeno da su glavni prediktori rezultata na Skali za procenu komunikativnih kompetencija studenata: dužina učenja engleskog jezika, samoprocena sposobnosti čitanja i razumevanja i upotreba metakognitivnih strategija u učenju engleskog jezika.






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