Naslov (srp)

Usvajanje glagolskih obrazaca u engleskom jeziku kod govornika srpskog jezika


Hamidović, Kimeta, 1985-


Milivojević, Nataša, 1973-
Novakov, Predrag, 1959-
Kovačević, Miloš, 1953-
Grubor-Hinić, Jelena, 1977-

Opis (srp)

Ova doktorska disertacija istražuje usvajanje glagolskih obrazaca u engleskom jeziku kod govornika srpskog jezika i to putem ispitivanja značajnih faktora koji utiču na njihovo usvajanje, kao što su motivacija i stavovi. Pored toga, istraživanje se bavi i analizom grešaka koje nastaju prilikom njihovog usvajanja. Shodno tome, prevashodni cilj nam je da utvrdimo u kojoj meri glagolski obrasci stvaraju poteškoće prilikom učenja i usvajanja engleskog jezika kao stranog kod filološki i nefilološki orijentisanih studenata, kao i uzroke uočenih poteškoća. Nakon teorijskog dela koji obuhvata problematiku glagolskih obrazaca u engleskom i srpskom jeziku i kritičkog osvrta na pregled literature, pristupili smo empirijskom delu rada na čijem smo početku naveli metode rada, a to su metoda teorijske analize, deskripcija, klasifikacija, kao i mešovita metoda, kojom se kombinuju kvantitativna i kvalitativna istraživanja. Uzorak istraživanja čini 30 studenata prve godine studijskog programa Engleski jezik i književnost i 30 studenata prve godine studijskog programa Računarska Tehnika na Državnom univerzitetu u Novom Pazaru, akademske 2015/2016 godine. U svrhu dobijanja relevantnih podataka korišćena su dva merna instrumenta: test i anketni upitnik. Na početku semestra studenti su radili kvalifikacioni test (eng. Placement test) na osnovu kojeg je određen prosečni nivo poznavanja engleskog jezika, zatim su radili početni test poznavanja engleskih obrazaca, da bi, na kraju drugog semestra, studenti radili završni test poznavanja glagolskih obrazaca, sačinjen na osnovu nastavnih jedinica koje su obrađivane na časovima kako bi se stekao uvid u eventualni napredak studenata u periodu od dva semestra. U cilju analize grešaka studenata nivoa poznavanja engleskog jezika B1 i B2, nacrtom istraživanja je predviđena kvantitativna analiza grešaka na testovima znanja glagolskih obrazaca vođena postavljenim hipotezama istraživanja, u kombinaciji sa kvalitativnom analizom grešaka ispitanika na testovima znanja glagolskih obrazaca čije je svrha bila utvrđivanje najfrekventnijih grešaka, otkrivanje glavnih razloga grešaka, a krajnji cilj prikupljanje relevantnih podataka koji se mogu iskoristiti u procesu unapređenja nastavnog procesa. Statističke metode i tehnike koje su korišćene prilikom prikaza rezultata početnih i završnih testova obuhvataju sledeće: frekvencije (f) i procenti (%) za prikaz strukture uzorka i odgovora ispitanika; Aritmetička sredina (AS), Standardna devijacija (SD), Minimum (MIN) i Maksimum (MAKS) za prikaz izraženosti rezultata; Paired samples t test (t) i značajnost (p) za poređenje razlika početnog i završnog testa poznavanja glagolskih obrazaca; T test za nezavisne uzorke (t) i značajnost (p) za poređenje razlika nivoa B1 i B2. Rezultati statističke analize potvrdili su prve dve hipoteze, odnosno, da glagolski obrasci predstavljaju poteškoću u učenju i da postoji statistički značajna razlika u usvajanju glagolskih obrazaca kod dve posmatrane grupe ispitanika. Dalje, rezultati testova pokazali su da su uzroci uočenih grešaka interferencija, odnosno negativni transfer maternjeg jezika, kao i preterana generalizacija pravila građenja vremena u engleskom jeziku, dodavanja nepotrebnih predloga. Kao još jedan mogući uzrok grešaka uzima se i nedovoljan input koji studenti dobijaju tokom školovanja. Drugi deo istraživanja odnosi se na ispitivanje motivacije i stavova studenata putem anketnog upitnika. Statističke tehnike i metode koje smo koristili prilikom obrade dobijenih podataka su: Aritmetička sredina (AS) i Standardna devijacija (SD), Minimum (MIN) i Maksimum (MAX); t test za nezavisne uzorke i značajnost (t i p) i jednosmerna ANOVA i značajnost (F i p), Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije i značajnost (r i p). Rezultati ovog dela istraživanja nisu u skladu sa postavljenim hipotezama, s obzirom da su pokazali da su svi ispitanici visoko motivisani za učenje engleskog jezika i da izražavaju pozitivan stav prema učenju glagolskih obrazaca. Ipak, rezultati testova pokazuju da studenti imaju poteškoća sa glagolskim obrascima i da, uprkos pozitivnim stavovima, ne ostvaruju očekivani uspeh na pomenutim testovima znanja, što se može objasniti teorijom namernog ponašanja, gde je namera uslov da se neko ponašanje i izvrši. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja mogu imati brojne pedagoške implikacije na nastavu glagolskih obrazaca u engleskom jeziku na tercijarnom nivou učenja engleskog jezika, jer ukazuju da treba posvetiti više pažnje jezičkom fenomenu glagolskog obrasca putem vežbi u relevantnom kontekstu u cilju unapređenja nastave engleskog jezika kao stranog.

Opis (eng)

This doctoral dissertation investigates verb patterns’ acquisition of Serbian native speakers through examination of the main factors influencing their acquisition, such as motivation and attitudes. In addition, this research investigates analysis of the errors made in the verb patterns’ acquisition process. Therefore, our main goal is to determine to which extent verb patterns represent a difficulty during the learning and acquisition process of English as a foreign language to philologically and non-philologically oriented students, including causes of the perceived difficulties. After theoretical part comprising intricacies of verb patterns in English and Serbian language, as well as critical review of literature, we provided empirical part of the paper, at the beginning of which research methods were presented: method of theoretical analysis, description, classification, combination method including quantitative and qualitative researches. Research sample comprises 30 first-year students of the Study programme of Information Technologies, as well as 30 first-year students of the Study programme of English language and literature at the State university of Novi Pazar, during the academic year 2015/2016. With the purpose of obtaining relevant data, two research instruments are included: test and questionnaire. At the beginning of the semester the students took Placement test, with the purpose of determining their average level of English language knowledge; then they took the initial test of knowledge on English verb patterns; finally, at the end of the second semester, the students took the final test of knowledge on the verb patterns, comprised on the basis of teaching units covered during the classes, in order to get an insight into the students’ potential progress during the period of two semesters. During the process of errors classification and analysis, only those errors made within the main verb and the corresponding complement are taken into consideration, including the following: wrong choice, wrong tense, wrong spelling, and addition error types. For the purpose of B1 and B2 English level students’ error analysis, research draft presupposes quantitative error analysis of the verb patterns’ tests in accordance with research hypotheses, combined with the qualitative error analysis of the verb patterns’ tests aiming at determining the most frequent errors, revealing main causes of the errors, with the ultimate goal of collecting relevant data that can be used in the enhancement of teaching process. Statistical methods and techniques, through which the results of initial and final tests are revealed, include: frequencies (f) and percentages (%) for showing the structure of research sample and subjects’ answers; Аrithmetic mean (AM), Standard Deviation (SD), Minimum (MIN) and Maximum (MAKS) for showing results; Paired samples t test (t) and significance (p) for comparing differences between initial and final tests; T test for independent samples (t) and significance (p) for comparing differences between B1 and B2 levels. Results of statistical analysis confirmed the first two hypotheses, claiming that verb patterns represent a difficulty in learning and that there is a statistically significant difference in the acquisition of verb patterns between the two observed groups. In addition, test results reveal that the main sources of perceived errors are interference, or negative transfer of mother tongue, as well as overgeneralization of rules for tense formation in English language, and addition of unnecessary prepositions. Insufficient input students are exposed to during their education, as another possible cause of errors, is taken into account. Second part of the research is concerned with examining students’ motivation and attitudes through the use of a questionnaire. Statistical methods and techniques applied during analysis of the obtained data include:Аrithmetic mean (AM) and Standard deviation(SD), Мinimum (MIN) and Maximum (MAX); t test for independent samples and significance (t and p) and oneway АNOVA and significance (F and p), Pearson correlation coefficient and significance (r and p). Results of this part are not in accordance with the third hypothesis, given that they revealed that all the participants are highly motivated for learning English language, and they have positive attitude towards learning verb patterns. Nevertheless, the results indicate that students have difficulties with verb patterns and that, despite the positive attitudes, do not achieve expected success at the abovementioned tests, which can be explained by the theory of planned behavior, where intention is condition for executing certain behavior. Results of the current research can have a number of pedagogical implications on the teaching of verb patterns at the tertiary level of learning English language, indicating that more attention should be paid to the phenomenon of verb pattern through implementation of exercises in relevant context with the aim of enhancing teaching English as a foreign language.






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