Naslov (srp)

Model regionalne konkurentnosti: teorijsko-metodološka analiza i mogućnosti primene u Srbiji : doktorska disertacija / Darko Vuković.


Vuković, Darko. 1978-


Joksimović, Ljubinka. 1952-
Leković, Vlastimir. 1955-
Zarić, Siniša. 1951-

Opis (eng)

Low competitiveness of the Serbian economy and the lack of regional policies have created the need for designing a model of regional competitiveness, which will identify, select and analyze the key factors of regional competitiveness in Serbia. In this PhD thesis, a Snow flake model of regional competitiveness has been created analyzing, beside economic and social factors, other factors such as: innovation, infrastructure, human capital, informal institutions and the protection of property rights, culture and tourism, as well as geo-natural factors. The model includes a composite index (IRC) which measures and ranks 78 indicators and sub-indicators. Based on the measurement results of indicators and factors of regional competitiveness, the snowflakes of competitiveness have been created presenting the competitive strength of each region in a picturesque manner. Considering the number of measured factors and indicators as well as the quantitative base of model with the aim of graphical representation, Snowflakes model belongs to the multi-problem or complex models of regional competitiveness. It can be used as a means of socio-economic analysis of regional competitiveness, because it determines the strengths and limitations at regional level. A correlation analysis of indicators of regional competitiveness has been included with the aim to demonstrate their mutual interdependence.

Opis (srp)

Niska konkurentnost srpske privrede i odsustvo regionalne politike, stvorile su potrebu za kreiranjem modela regionalne konkurentnosti, koji će identifikovati, selektovati i analizirati ključne faktore konkurentnosti regiona u Srbiji. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, kreiran je Model pahulje regionalne konkurentnosti, koji osim ekonomskih i socijalnih faktora, analizira i faktore: inovacija, infrastrukture, ljudskog kapitala, neformalnih institucija i zaštite svojine, kulture i turizma, kao i geo-prirodne faktore. Model uključuje i kompozitni indeks (IRK) koji meri i rangira 78 indikatora i pod-indikatora. Na osnovu rezultata merenja indikatora i faktora regionalne konkurentnosti, kreiraju se „pahulje konkurentnosti“, koje na slikovit način prikazuju konkurentsku snagu svakog regiona. Imajući u vidu broj merenih faktora i indikatora, kvantitativnu osnovu modela i osobinu grafičkog prikaza, Model pahulje spada u više-problemske ili kompleksne modele regionalne konkurentnosti.

Opis (srp)

Umnoženo za odbranu.Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Ekonomski fakultet, 20130628, dr ekonomskih nauka, ekonomske nauke. Rezime ; Abstract. Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. Bibliografija: listovi 272-286.






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