Kliničke i histopatološke karakteristike oboljenja štitaste žlezde koje zahtevaju hirurško lečenje kod dece i adolescenata
Pantelić, Vladimir, 1980-
Radosavljević, Ivan, 1980-
Milošević, Bojan, 1976-
Stojanović, Bojan, 1986-
Živaljević, Vladan, 1967-
Operations for well-differentiated thyroid cancer in children and adolescents are rare inpractice and there is insufficient data on this topic in the literature. The present research aimedto determine the clinical and pathohistological characteristics of thyroid gland diseases inchildren and adolescents who were previously surgically treated at the Endocrine SurgeryCenter of the University Medical Center of Serbia from 01/01/2001 to 01/01/2011. The studycovered 170 patients of both sexes from the population of children and adolescents (aged 16to 20 years) with various malignant and benign thyroid gland diseases. The data for this studywere extracted from the medical histories and the electronic database of the Center forEndocrine Surgery. Detailed data analysis included diagnosis, symptomatology, surgicalintervention type, and disease stage. The following thyroid status parameters were analyzedfrom preoperative data: T4 (thyroxine), FT4 (thyroxine free fraction), T3 (triiodothyronine),FT3 (triiodothyronine free fraction), and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). In addition, thepathohistological features of diagnosed thyroid diseases were also determined, with a specialfocus on the presence of well-differentiated cancers. Papillary carcinomas were the mostcommon of well-differentiated cancers in adolescents over the ten-year follow-up period.Based on the assessed data, total thyroidectomy was the most commonly used type of surgicalintervention in these patients. The conducted research provides essential information relatedto both the biological characteristics and diagnostics of these cancers and their surgicaltreatment in such a sensitive population. Moreover, research showed that the clinicalpresentation of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents is almost identical to that in adults.
Operacije dobrodiferentovanih karcinoma štitaste žlezde kod dece i adolescenatasu retke u praksi i oskudno dokumentovane u literaturi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio jeda se utvrde kliničke i patohistološke karakteristike oboljenja štitaste žlezde koddece i adolescenata koji su prethodno bili hirurški lečeni u Centru za endokrinuhirurgiju Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Srbije od 01.01.2001. do 01.01.2011.Studijom je obuhvaćeno 170 pacijenata oba pola iz populacije dece i adolescenata(uzrasta od 16 do 20 godina) sa različitim malignim i benignim oboljenjima štitastežlezde. Podaci za ovu studiju su dobijeni iz istorija bolesti i elektronske bazepodataka Centra za endokrinu hirurgiju. Detaljna analiza podataka obuhvatila jedijagnozu, simptomatologiju, vrstu hirurške intervencije i stadijum bolesti. Izpreoperativnih podataka analizirani su sledeći parametri tireoidnog statusa: T4(tiroksin), FT4 (slobodna frakcija tiroksina), T3 (trijodtironin), FT3 (slobodnafrakcija trijodtironina) i TSH (tireostimulišući hormon). Osim toga, utvrđene sui patohistološke karakteristike dijagnostikovanih bolesti štitaste žlezde, saposebnim osvrtom na prisustvo dobro diferentovanih karcinoma. Papilarnikarcinomi su bili najčešći od dobro diferentovanih karcinoma kod dece iadolescenata tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda praćenja. Na osnovu ispitivanihpodataka, totalna tiroidektomija je bila najčešće korišćeni vid hirurškeintervencije kod ovih pacijenata. Sprovedeno istraživanje pruža suštinskeinformacije koje se odnose kako na biološke karakteristike i dijagnostiku ovihkarcinoma, tako i na njihovo hirurško lečenje u ovoj osetljivoj populaciji. Štaviše,istraživanjem je pokazano da je klinička slika kancera štitaste žlezde kod dece iadolescenata skoro identična onoj kod odraslih.
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