Uticaj srpskog kao maternjeg jezika na usvajanje francuskog kao ciljnog jezika
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The main subject of this paper is the acquisition of French language in students whose mothertongue language is Serbian, which simultaneously leads to the occurrence of positive andnegative transfer due to contacts between these two languages.The aims of this particular paper could be classified as the theoretical and practical ones. Thetheoretical aim of the paper itself refers to all the issues related to language acquisition andlearning, complete with unravelling the psychological, psycholinguistic and cognitive processesof language acquisition and learning and use of a foreign language. The theoretical aim refers tothe comprehension of the process of language acquisition and learning along with understandingthe metalinguistic awareness of learners. As regards the practical aim of our research, it is relatedto devising new ideas for construing various strategies, the implementation of which wouldincrease teaching effectiveness and produce better results, or more precisely, it would lead toacquiring better competencies in the French language. Furthermore, this particular aim refers tothe French language teaching methods used within the school system, along with the analyses ofthe very process of teaching and various teaching methods as well, so that more efficientsolutions could be obtained by means of empirical research and used for the purpose offacilitating the process of learning and acquisition of the French language.Mixed methods research is applied in this paper: the quantitative research, which entails testsused for the purpose of measuring the French language proficiency complete with grammar tests,is used to compare the levels of knowledge of the French language between the two groups of ourstudy participants – students in Serbia and allophone students in France. The quantitativeresearch refers to the comparison between oral and written verbal production of theabovementioned groups.This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is comprised of the following content: thesubject of the paper, the aim of the paper, the main hypotheses along with the methods. Thesecond chapter includes the definitions of both terms language acquisition and learning, thereview of theories on language acquisition are given as well, complete with the methods andfactors influencing the language learning/acquisition. The third chapter refers to the linguisticcharacteristics of the French and Serbian language. In addition, the same chapter consists of apresentation of similarities and differences observed in the structure of the abovementionedlanguages. The fourth chapter, the most significant one, is centred upon the research itself and thepresentation of our findings. After a thorough presentation of the methodology and research, ourultimate findings are shown, being followed by the discussion chapter. The results observed in this particular chapter are summarised in the fifth chapter which represents our conclusions,complete with all the pedagogical implications and our recommendations for further research.
Osnovni predmet ovog rada je usvajanje francuskog jezika kod učenika čiji je maternjijezik srpski, pa samim tim i pozitivan i negativan transfer usled kontakta ova dvajezika.Ciljevi ovog rada mogli bi se svrstati među teorijske i praktične. Teorijski cilj radaodnosi se na problematiku učenja i usvajanja jezika i analizu i rasvetljavanjepsiholoških, psiholingvističkih i kognitivnih procesa usvajanja i korišćenja stranogjezika. Teorijski cilj odnosi se na razumevanje procesa učenja i usvajanja jezika irazumevanje metalingvističke svesti učenika. Praktični cilj ovog istraživanja je daotvori nove ideje za strategije čije bi primenjivanje u nastavi jezika dovelo doefektivnijih rezultata, tačnije do boljih kompetencija na francuskom jeziku. Takođeovaj cilj se odnosi na način predavanja francuskog jezika u školskim okvirima ianaliziranje samog procesa i načina izvođenja nastave, te da se putem empirijskogistraživanja dođe do što efikasnijih rešenja koja bi olakšala učenje i usvajanjefrancuskog jezika.U radu se primenjuje mešovita metoda istraživanja: kvantitativno istraživanje odnosise na test za određivanje nivoa znanja francuskog jezika i test primene poznavanjagramatike i služi za poređenje nivoa znanja između dve grupe učesnika istraživanja –učenika u Srbiji i alofonih učenika u Francuskoj. Kvantitativno istraživanje odnosise na poređenje usmene i pisane govorne produkcije ove dve grupe.Rad se sastoji iz pet poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju dat je predmet i cilj rada, zatimosnovne hipoteze, kao i metodologija rada. U drugom poglavlju definisani su pojmoviučenja i usvajanja jezika, dat je pregled teorija o usvajanju jezika, a zatim i metoda ifaktora koji utiču na učenje/usvajanje. U trećem poglavlju date su lingvističkekarakteristike francuskog i srpskog jezika i opisane neke sličnosti i razlike ustrukturi ova dva jezika. Četvrto, ključno poglavlje, bavi se tokom istraživanja ipredstavljanjem rezultata. Nakon detaljnog opisa metodologije i toka istraživanja,predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja, nakon čega sledi diskusija rezultata. Rezultatiiz ovog poglavlja su sažeti u petom poglavlju koje predstavlja zaključak, pedagoškeimplikacije i preporuku za buduća istraživanja.
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