Naslov (srp)

Analiza činilaca upravljanja medicinskim otpadom u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite


Jovanović, Verica, 1966-


Đonović, Nela, 1968-
Kocić, Sanja, 1968-
Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-
Ćorac, Aleksandar, 1970-

Opis (srp)

UVOD: U radu zdravstvenih ustanova nastaje medicinski otpad, koji se sastoji iz dve komponente, neopasne (75% od ukupne količine) i opasne komponente (25%). U zdravstvenim ustanovava u posledljih deset godina unapređen je rad u postupanju sa medicinskim otpadom, u skladu sa Zakonom o otpadu i Pravilnikom o upravljanju medicinskim otpadom Republike Srbije. Promene u upravljanju sa medicinskim otpadom (UMO) se sastoje iz uvođenja procedura za bezbedno postupanje opasnim medicinskim otpadom od generisanja medicinskog otpada do odlaganja. METOD RADA: Studija predstavlja istraživanje prospektivnog i retrospektivnog tipa na reprezentativnom uzorku zdravstvenih ustanova državnog sektora zdravstva, na teritoriji Republike Srbije bez Kosova i Metohije, koje se međusobno razlikuju u odnosu na vrstu ustanove, nivo zdravstvene zaštite i teritorijalnu pripadnost. Instrumenti istraživanja koji su korišćeni u studiji, su standardizovani upitnici za ispitivanje UMO u sistemima zdravstvene zaštite. Ukupno 116 ustanova je obuhvaćeno istraživanjem i to sa srazmernom zastupljenošću svih vrsta zdravstvenih ustanova (domovi zdravlja, opšte i specijalne bolnice, kliničko-bolnički centri, klinički centri, zavodi i instituti za javno zdravlje, ostale ustanove) iz tri nivoa zdravstvene zaštite. REZULTATI: Izdvojeni su ključni činioci UMO koji utiču na pružanje i kvalitet zdravstvene zaštite u zdravstvenim ustanovama na različitim nivoima zdravstvene zaštite (primarni, sekundarni, tercijarni) i u različitim vrstama zdravstvenih ustanova (dom zdravlja, opšta bolnica, klinički centar, kliničko bolnički centar, institut ili zavod za javno zdravlje) pojedinačno. Ovom studijom utvrđene su razlike među zdravstvenim ustanovama u odnosu na UMO. Činioci za procenu UMO na primarnom nivou zdravstvene zaštite su broj i vrste zdravstvenih usluga, dok na nivou sekundarne i tercijarne zdravstvene zaštite, ključne činioce predstavlja broj kreveta i zauzetost postelja. ZAKLjUČAK: Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je infektivni medicinski otpad najzastupljeniji tok opasnog medicinskog otpada koji generišu sve vrste zdravstvenih ustanova (oko 95% od ukupne količine opasnog medicinskog otpada). Ukupan broj bolničkih dana, odnosno dužina lečenja u bolničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama, izdvaja se kao najznačajniji prediktor UMO u stacionarnim ustanovama. Studija je izdvojila primenu planova za UMO i imenovanje lica odgovornih za upravljanje otpadom, kao i formiranje tima za UMO u zdravstvenim ustanovama, kao veoma značajne činioce UMO u svim vrstama zdravstvenih ustanova.

Opis (srp)

Prilozi Datum odbrane: 28.08.2017. null

Opis (eng)

INTRODUCTION: Healthcare waste is generated within daily activity of healthcare institutions, and it’s composed of two components, non-hazardous healthcare waste (75% of the total quantity) and hazardous components (25%). In the healthcare institutions in the last ten years, the practices concerning healthcare waste management has been improved, in accordance with the Law on Waste Management and with the Rulebook on the management of healthcare waste in the Republic of Serbia. Changes in the management of healthcare waste (HCWM) are based on introduction of procedures for the safe handling of hazardous healthcare waste from the point of its generation to safe disposal. METHOD: The study is a prospective and retrospective type survey on a representative sample of health institutions in the state health sector, on the territory of the Republic of Serbia without Kosovo and Metohija, which differ from one another in relation to the type of institution, the level of health care and territorial affiliation. The research tools used in the study are standardized questionnaires for testing UMO in health care systems. A total of 116 institutions were included in the survey, with proportional representation of all types of health institutions (health centers, general and special hospitals, clinic and hospital centers, clinical centers, institutes and public health institutes, other institutions) from three levels of health care. RESULTS: Study was defined the key factors of HCWM that influence the quality of health care services in health care institutions at different levels of health care (primary, secondary, tertiary) as well as in the different types of health institutions (health center, general hospital, clinical center, clinical hospital center, institute or Public Health Institute). This study has identified the differences between health institutions concerning HCWM. The factors for the HCWM at primary level of health care are the number and types of health services, while at the level of secondary and tertiary health care, the key factors are the number of beds and occupancy of the bed. CONCLUSION: The study found that infectious medical waste is the most frequent stream of hazardous healthcare waste generated in all types of healthcare institutions (about 95% of the total amount of hazardous healthcare waste). The total number of hospital days, that is, the length of treatment in hospital health facilities, is distinguished as the most important predictor of HCWM in stationary healthcare institutions. The study highlighted the implementation of HCWM plans and the appointment of persons responsible for waste management, as well as the establishment of an HCWM team in healthcare institutions, as very important factors of proper HCWM in all types of healthcare institutions.






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