Naslov (srp)

Faktori rizika za zloupotrebu psihoaktivnih supstanci kod mladih u Srbiji


Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-


Kocić, Sanja, 1968- (ths, code: 07251)
Milovanović, Dragan, 1967- (oth, code: 07175)
Đonović, Nela, 1968- (oth, code: 07240)
Jović, Slađana. (oth)

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija predstavlja studiju kojom je procenjen značaj problema zloupotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci kod mladih uzrasta 12-19 godina u Srbiji, kojom su ispitani i utvrđeni faktori rizika za zlpupotrebu psihoaktivnih supstanci ove populacione grupe. U istraživanju je primenjen dizajn studije preseka, na reprezentativnom uzorku stanovništva Srbije kao celine i stanovništva velikih područja (Centralna Srbija, Vojvodina, Beograd), po polu, starosti i mestu življenja. Uzorak ovog istraživanja čini 1939 ispitanika starosti 12-19 godina ekstrahovan iz uzorka stanovništva Srbije formiranog za potrebe istraživanja u okviru Projekta ,,Zdravstveno stanje, zdravstvene potrebe i korišćenje zdravstvene zaštite stanovništva Srbije“ sprovedenog 2006. godine. Izvor podataka o odabranim obeležjima čini posebno konstruisan Upitnik za decu i omladinu uzrasta od 7 do 19 godina. Svi podaci iz anketnih upitnika su prikazani i analizirani adekvatnim statističkim metodama primerenim tipu i vrsti podataka. Najznačajniji rezultati istraživanja su da ispitanici koji imaju lošiji uspeh u školi 16 puta češće puše od onih koji imaju odličan uspeh. Mladi čiji drugovi puše, 13 puta češće puše od onih čiji drugovi ne puše, dok 9 puta češće puše ispitanici koji potiču iz porodica čiji su članovi pušači. Alkoholna pića 4 puta češće piju ispitanici koji puše, 3 puta češće ispitanici koji koriste opijate, dok ispitanici koji imaju ispravan (negativan) stav prema alkoholu 3 puta manje piju. Mladi u Srbiji su u najvećem procentu probali marihuanu, tablete (bensedin, trodon, amfetamin) i lepak. U slučajevima kada neko od društva koristi drogu ispitanici 7,5 puta češće koriste drogu što pokazuje da je vršnjački uticaj na konzumiranje psihoaktivnih supstanci veliki. Na osnovu navedenih zaključaka sledi da je neophodno intenzivirati preventivne aktivnosti kao i uključivanje mladih u timove za kreiranje preventivnih programa kao ključnih prenosioca poruka koje imaju za cilj sprečavanje započinjanja upotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci.

Opis (srp)

Beleška o autoru. Umnoženo za odbranu. Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet medicinskih nauka, 2013, dr medicinskih nauka. Bibliografija: listovi 170-180. Izvod ; Abstract.

Opis (eng)

Doctoral dissertation presents a study that assessed the importance of the problem of psychoactive substances abuse among young people aged 12-19 years in Serbia, and which allowed risk factors for psychoactive substances abuse for this population to be tested and identified. We have applied a cross-sectional study design on a representative sample of the population of Serbia as a whole, and residents of large areas (Central Serbia, Vojvodina, Belgrade), by sex, age and place of living. The sample of this research, which included 1939 respondents aged 12-19 years, was extracted from a sample of the population of Serbia, formed for the purpose of research in the project „Health status, health needs and use of health services in Serbia“ conducted in year 2006th. Source of information on the selected features was the specially designed questionnaire for children and adolescents aged 7 to 19 years. All data from questionnaires are presented and analyzed using appropriate statistical methods in accordance with the data type. The most important results of the research were that subjects who have worse school grades are 16 times more likely to smoke than those who have a good academic record. Young, whose friends smoke, are 13 times more likely to smoke than those whose friends do not smoke, and 9 times more likely to smoke are respondents that come from families whose members are smokers. Respondents who smoke consume alcoholic drinks 4 times more frequent, three times more respondents who use opiates, while respondents with the correct (negative) attitude towards alcohol drink alcohol 3 times less. Young people in Serbia in the highest percentage tried marijuana, pills (bensedin, Trodon, amphetamine) and glue. In cases where one of members of the company use drugs, respondents use drugs 7.5 times more likely, which indicates that the peer influence on psychoactive substances abuse is significant. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that it is necessary to intensify preventive actions and the involvement of young people, as key messengers, in teams for creating prevention programs that aim to prevent initiation of psychoactive substances abuse.






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