Naslov (srp)

Ispitivanje efekata upotrebe mineralne vode sa izvorišta "Snežnik-1/79" na poremećaje različitih organskih sistema kod pacova


Lalović, Dijana, 1983-, 74889737


Nikolić Turnić, Tamara, 1985-, 14703719
Zečević-Luković, Tanja, 1963-, 13563751
Sekulić, Marija, 1982-, 33404263
Stojiljković, Nenad, 1970-, 9737319

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Korišćenje mineralnih voda u lekovite svrhe je većim delom zasnovano na teorijskim pretpostavkama (koje uzimaju u obzir odnos njihovog mineralnog sastava i patofiziološkog substrata u okviru neke bolesti) a mnogo manje na relevantnim podacima bazičnih i kliničkih istraživanja. Većina podataka koji ukazuju da određeni tipovi ovih voda mogu ublažiti progresiju različitih bolesti pa čak biti povezane i sa potpunom remisijom tegoba dolaze iz neakademskih i naučno neutemeljenih izvora. Osim toga, mehanizmi putem kojih se ostvaruju ova pozitivna dejstva su gotovo nepoznati. Cilj: Ispitivanje efekata upotrebe mineralne vode sa izvorišta "Snežnik-1/79" na morfološke i funkcionalne promene kardiovaskularnog, gastrointestinalnog, hepatobilijarnog i urinarnog sistema kod pacova koristeći odgovarajuće modele bolesti ovih organskih sistema. Metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 112 pacova muškog pola (Wistar albino soj, telesne mase 250±20 g, starosti 8 nedelja) koji su bili svrstani u grupe prema tipu patofiziološkog poremećaja određenog organskog sistema (dijabetec melitus tip 2, gastritis, ulcerozni kolitis, alkoholni hepatitis i pankreatitis, i glomerulonefritis). U okviru svakog od ovih stanja pacovi su tretirani običnom ili Snežnik vodom tokom četiri nedelje. Nakon eksperimentalnog perioda i žrtvovanja životinja određivani su parametri srčane funkcije, biomarkeri oksidacionog stresa i sprovedene su patohistološke analize ispitivanih organa. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su jedini manifestni protektivni efekti Snežnik vode evidentirani u modelu eksperimentalnog dijabetesa i to kako na hiperglikemiju, tako i na oksidacioni stres (kao sofisticirani marker potencijalnog oštećenja) i na funkciju miokarda pacova. U ostalim modelima bolesti efekti ove vode nisu bili statistički potvrđeni. U tom smislu, smatramo da bi duža ekspozicija ovoj mineralnoj vodi nakon indukcije svih patofizioloških stanja pokazala značajnije efekte, što može biti predmet daljih istraživanja.

Opis (eng)

Introduction: The use of mineral waters for medicаl purposes is largely based on theoretical assumptions (which take into account the relationship between their mineral composition and pathophysiological substrate within a disease) and much less on relevant data from basic and clinical research. Most of the data that indicate that certain types of these waters can alleviate the progression of various diseases and even be associated with complete remission come from non-academic and scientifically unfounded sources. In addition, the mechanisms by which these positive effects are realized are almost unknown. Objective: Investigation of the effects of mineral water from the spring "Snežnik-1/79" on morphological and functional changes of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary and urinary system in rats by using appropriate models of diseases of these organ systems. Methods: The study included 112 male rats (Wistar albino strain, body weight 250 ± 20 g, age 8 weeks) who were classified into groups according to the type of pathophysiological disorder of a particular organ system (diabetes mellitus type 2, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, alcoholic hepatitis and pancreatitis, and glomerulonephritis). Within each of these conditions, rats were treated with plain or Sneznik water for four weeks. After the experimental period and sacrificing of animals, the parameters of cardiac function, biomarkers of oxidative stress were determined and pathohistological analyzes of the examined organs were performed. Results: The obtained results show that the only manifest protective effects of Sneznik water were recorded in the model of experimental diabetes, both on hyperglycemia and oxidative stress (as a sophisticated marker of potential damage) and on rat myocardial function. In other disease models, the effects of this water were not statistically confirmed. In that sense, we believe that longer exposure to this mineral water after induction of all pathophysiological conditions would show more significant effects, which may be the subject of further research.






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