Naslov (srp)

Filozofija svakodnevnice u delima Sola Beloua i Davida Albaharija


Andrejić Vidić, Jelena, 1986-, 18684519


Jerkov, Aleksandar, 1960-, 12546151
Bubanja, Nikola, 1978-, 13511271
Bošković, Dragan, 1970-, 13421415
Vraneš, Branko, 1988-, 10805863

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija Filozofija svakodnevice u delima Sola Beloua i Davida Albaharija bavi se analizom i problematizacijom pojma svakodnevice sagledane kroz vizuru svojevrsne sopstvene filozofije, koja se do sada nije imala prilike iskazati i promišljati na ovaj način. Uporednom analizom stvaralaštva dva autora kao prelaza između dvaju epoha (kasnog modernizma i postmodernizma), a koja je primenjena u radu, cilj je pokazati kako je poetika svakodnevice prisutna u književnosti mnogo više nego što joj se daje za pravo i da se, kao takva, manifestuje na različite načine, kroz niz motiva i simboliku potrage za sopstvom. Analitičko-sintetičkim i dekonstruktivističkim metodama kao i primenom interdisciplinarnog teorijskog modela predstavljen je uticaj svakodnevice na život pojedinca, društvo u celini, ali i na društveno-istorijske tokove i recepciju stvarnosti u načelu kroz naizgled banalne i uobičajene svakodnevne pojave i aktivnosti. Navedene su sve teorije koje su se do sada bavile temom svakodnevice, upoređene su i suprotstavljene, ali je i kritički sagledana perspektiva u kojoj je svakodnevno bilo oduvek tretirano kao sporedno, nevažno, nedovoljno presudno za podrobnija tumačenja. Diseminacijom pojmova poput sopstva, porodice, odnosa Ja-Drugi, smeha, smrti, hronotopa, alijenacije, identiteta, neuroze i naposletku njenog upliva u svet književnosti, njenog diskursa i mogućnosti „čitanja“, napravljen je prikaz kretanja ovog pojma kroz istoriju, promena u njenom tumačenju shodno promenama u kretanju teorija kroz vreme, kao i ulozi koja joj je dodeljivana u tim tokovima.

Opis (eng)

Doctoral dissertation Philosophy of everydayness in the works of Saul Bellow and David Albahari studies the analysis and problematisation of the concept of everydayness seen through the perspective of its own specific philosophy that, so far, has not had a chance to be expressed and reflected in this way. By the comparative analysis of the two authors’ works, as a transition between two epochs (late modernism and postmodernism), which has been applied in the paper, the objective is to show how the poetics of everydayness is present in the literature to a much greater extent than it is actually recognized and that, as such, it is manifested in various ways, through a series of motives and the symbolism of the search for the self. By analytical-synthetic and deconstructionist methods, as well as by applying interdisciplinary theoretical method, the impact of the everydayness on life of an individual, the society as a whole, but also on the social and historical development and reception of reality through seemingly banal and usual everyday phenomena and activities, has been presented. The theories that have mostly studied the topic of everydayness have been stated, compared and contrasted. Moreover, the prospective in which the everyday life has always been treated as secondary, unimportant, insufficiently crucial problem for more thorough interpretations has been critically observed. By dissemination of the concepts like self, family, relation I - Other, comic, death, chronotope, alienation, identity, neurosis, and at last through their impact on the world of literature, their discourse and the possibility of reading (into), a review of its historic development, the changes in its interpretation according to the changes in theories over time, as well as the role it was assigned in these developments, has been made.






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