Naslov (srp)

Kvantni efekti svesne pažnje na kolaps funkcije elektromagnetnog talasa


Vujanac, Andreja, 1971-, 20165991


Srejović, Ivan, 1985-, 14277991
Popović, Zoran V., 1952-, 8073575
Joksimović, Jovana, 1987-, 24990055
Ilić, Tihomir V., 1966-, 13762919

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Kvantni double-slit eksperiment je efekat posmatrača na klasičnu Jungovu difrakciju. Kolaps talasne funkcije podrazumeva redukciju superpozicije stanja funkcije elektromagnetnog talasa na jedno stanje dejstvom okruženja. Double-slit eksperiment se smatra za jedan od najlepših eksperimenata ikada izvedenih. Cilj: Dokazati kolaps talasne funkcije u interaktivnom polju fokusirane pažnje merenjem određenih kvantnih parametara, kao što su: korpuskularnost, kontrast, količnik intenziteta električnog polja, intenzitet interferencije na grafiku spektralne snage, kvantna povezanost, Hajzenbergova neodređenost. Materijal i metode: Eksperiment se sastoji od fizičke i fiziološke postavke sistema. U fizičkom delu sistema vršila se registracija zavisnih varijabli korišćenjem linearne ccd kamere, dok se u fiziološkom sistemu obavljala registracija nezavisnih varijabli radi kvantifikacije stanja svesne pažnje. Grupe su podeljene na kontrolnu grupu i tri eksperimentalne grupe: relaks grupa, grupa sa subjektima u stanju fokusirane pažnje i grupa sa subjektima u proceduri registracije kognitivnog potencijala P300, koja je dalje podeljena na tri podgrupe: E100, E300 i E1000 prema vremenu registracije zavisnih varijabli. U eksperimentu je učestvovalo 26 subjekata, sva snimanja su vršena tokom perioda od 45 sekundi tokom 10 nezavisnih studija odnosno sesija. Rezultati: Sa izuzetkom grupe sa subjektima u stanju relaksirane pažnje, u svim ostalim grupama dokazano je signifikantno povećanje korpuskularnih osobina elektromagnetnog talasa uz konkomitantno smanjenje interferencije i Hajzenbergove neodređenosti, kao i porast kvantne zapletenosti između fizičkog i fiziološkog kvantnog sistema u poređenju sa rezultatima u kontrolnoj grupi. Fitovanjem relacije za jačinu električnog polja na pukotinama difrakcione rešetke pokazana je značajna promena u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu u svim eksperimentalnim grupama sa izuzetkom relaks grupe. Kvantni parametri bili su statistički signifikantno izmenjeni i tokom prvih 100 milisekundi u proceduri registracije kognitivnog potencijala P300 dokazujući backward time referral efekat. Dokazano je i dejstvo P300 potencijala na vrednosti Bomove fazne razlike. Takođe, u grupi učesnika u stanju fokusirane pažnje najveća promena kvantnih parametara registrovana je tokom prve tri sekunde od dobijanja vokalne komande za početak koncentrisanja pažnje. Nezavisne varijable pokazale su porast entropije i porast determinističkog haosa. Zaključak: Dejstvom fokusirane pažnje nastaje kolaps talasne funkcije, dok značajna kvantna povezanost ukazuje na kuplung fotona, kao i na spregu fizičkog i neuronskog kvantnog sistema. Dokazana je i intervencija budućnosti na događaje u prošlosti. Promene vrednosti zavisnih varijabli reflektuju promene u neuronskom kvantnom sistemu, tako da se optički sistem može koristiti za detekciju suptilnih izmena u svesnoj pažnji.

Opis (eng)

Introduction: A quantum double-slit experiment is an observer effect on classical Young diffraction. Wave function collapse occurs when a wave function in a superposition of several eigenstates reduces to a single eigenstate due to interaction with the external world. The doubleslit experiment is considered one of the most beautiful experiments ever performed. Aim: To prove the collapse of a wave function in an interactive field of focused conscious attention certain quantum parameters were measured, such as: corpuscularity, visibility, the ratio of the electric field intensity, magnitude of interference on power spectral density graph, quantum entanglement, Heisenberg uncertainty. Material and methods: The experimental procedure was divided into the physical and physiological set-up. In the physical part of the system, registration of dependent variables was performed by using a linear ccd camera, while in the physiological system, registration of independent variables was performed to quantify the state of conscious attention. The groups were divided into a control group and three experimental groups: relaxed attention group, concentrated attention group, and group for evaluating cognitive evoked potential effect on the double-slit system, which was divided into three subgroups according to time point at which data was recorded-Е100, Е300 and Е1000. Twenty-six subjects took part in the experiment, which underwent every second recording of diffraction pattern during 10 sessions, each of 45 seconds duration. Results: With the exception of the group with subjects in the state of relaxed attention, in all other groups there was a significant increase in corpuscular properties of the electromagnetic wave with a concomitant decrease in interference and Heisenberg uncertainty, as well as an increase in quantum entanglement between the physical and physiological quantum system compared with the results in the control group. The electric field ratio, which was calculated by fitting a basic equation for double slit diffraction, with exception for the relax group, showed a significant change in all experimental groups compare to control group. The quantum parameters were statistically significantly altered during the first 100 milliseconds in the cognitive evoked potential P300 registration procedure, proving a backward time referral effect. The effect of P300 potential on the values of the Bohm phase difference has also been demonstrated. Also, in concentrated attention group, the largest change in quantum parameters was registered during the first three seconds after participants started to concentrate their attention. Independent variables showed an increase in entropy as well as increase in pattern behavior known as deterministic chaos. Conclusions: This study confirmed that focused attention causes the collapse of the wave function, while significant quantum entanglement indicates photon coupling, as well as the entanglement of the physical and brain quantum systems. Backward time referral effect has also been proven. Changes in the values of dependent variables reflect changes in the brain quantum system, so that the optical system can be used to detect subtle changes in conscious attention.






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