Naslov (srp)

Procena dinamičke nestabilnosti kolena kod povrede zadnje ukrštene veze pomoću trodimenzionalnog OptiTrack sistema


Glišić, Miodrag, 1973-


Ristić, Branko, 1962-
Matić, Aleksandar, 1974-
Devedžić, Goran, 1962-
Blagojević, Zoran, 1955-

Opis (eng)

Introduction: The knee is a unique joint in the human body because it is the largest joint, with the most complex anatomy and very complex biomechanics. The movements in the knee are very complicated and consist essentially of translation and rotation and are possible in all three levels of space. They are determined by the geometry of the articular surfaces and by the soft tissue of the joint. By applying new technical achievements, primarily the technique of recording and monitoring movements of the body and joints, we are able to study the biomechanics of the knee in a new way. Methodology: The aim of this study is to measure the micro-movements in the knee, which result from the lack of the posterior cruciate ligament using the OptiTrack system, which consists of specialized high precision infrared cameras and classification algorithms. Patients who have a rupture of posterior cruciate ligament of one knee were selected. The function of тhe biomechanics of an injured knee is compared with a healthy joint on the opposite side and with the same knee after surgery. Results: In this 16-patient series, there were 13 males and 3 females, with an average age of 28.6 years. Comparing patterns of motion obtained with the OptiTrack system in a healthy and injured knee, it is clear that the scheme of the movement is disturbed. The posterior instability was expressed through the posterior displacement of the tibia in the support phase of walking, as well as the increased external rotation of the tibia in the support phase in the unstable joint. Using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, it has been shown that there is a statistically significant difference between healthy and diseased knee, in terms of anterior-posterior translation and internal-external rotation. After surgical intervention, the results of the measurement showed that the biomechanics of the joints were in normal physiological limits. Conclusion: The results of this study clearly demonstrated the dynamic instability that occurs in the knee with posterior cruciate ligament rupture that can be objectively measured by the OptiTrack system. Operative treatment of this knee injury returns movements of the joint in the normal limits as in a healthy one.

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Koleno je jedinstven zglob u ljudskom telu po tome što je najveći zglob, najsloženije anatomske građe sa vrlo kompleksnom biomehanikom. Pokreti u zglobu su jako složeni i sastoje se u osnovi iz translacije i rotacije, a mogući su u sve tri ravni prostora. Određeni su kako geometrijom zglobnih površina tako i mekotkivnim omotačem zgloba. Primenom novih tehničkih dostignuća, pre svega tehnika snimanja i praćenja pokreta tela i zglobova, pruža nam se mogućnost da proučavamo biomehaniku koleno na jedan nov način. Metodologija: Cilj ove studije je da se korišćenjem OptiTrack sistema, koji se sastoji od specijalizovanih infracrvenih kamera visoke preciznosti i klasifikacionih algoritama, izmere mikro pokreti u kolenu, koji nastaju kao posledica nedostatka zadnjeg ukrštenog ligamenta. Odabrani su pacijenti koji imaju povredu zadnje ukrštene veze jednog kolena. Upoređuje se biomehanika povređenog kolena, sa zdravim zglobom suprotne strane i sa istim kolenom nakon hirurške intervencije. Rezultati: U ovoj seriji od 16 pacijenata bilo je 13 muškaraca i 3 žene, prosečne starosti 28.6 godina. Upoređujući obrasce pokreta dobijene OptiTrack sistemom kod zdravog i povređenog zgloba jasno je da je šema pokreta poremećena. Izražena je zadnja nestabilnost prikazana kroz zadnje pomeranje tibije kao i povećana spoljašnja rotacija tibije u fazi oslonca kod nestabilnog zgloba. Koristeći Vilkoksonov test, dokazano je da postoji statistički značajna razlika između zdravog i bolesnog kolena, u pogledu anteriorno-posteriorne translacije i interno-eksterne rotacije. Nakon hirurške intervencije rezultati merenja su pokazali da je biomehanika zgloba vraćena u fiziološke granice. Zaključak: Rezultati ove studije su jasno pokazali dinamičku nestabilnost koja nastaje u kolenu sa oštećenim zadnjim ukrštenim ligamentom, a koja se može objektivno izmeriti OptiTrack sistemom. Operativnim lečenjem ove povrede, pokreti kolena se vraćaju u normalne granice kao kod zdravog zgloba.






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