Naslov (srp)

Humani i posthumani identitet junaka u romanima Huana Gojtisola


Veljović, Jelica A., 1987-


Sekulić, Mirjana, 1983-
Stojanović, Jasna, 1963-
Karanović, Vladimir, 1981-
Bošković, Dragan, 1970-

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija Humani i posthumani identitet junaka u romanima Huana Gojtisola se bavi analizom predstava identiteta junaka u odabranim romanima savremenog španskog pisca Huana Gojtisola. U opseg analize ulazi pet Gojtisolovih romana, u kojima se kao protagonista pojavljuje isti književni junak: Znaci identiteta, Grof don Hulijan, Huan bez Zemlje, koji skupa čine „Trilogiju Alvara Mendiole”, Prizori nakon bitke i Prognan sa svih strana. Analiza ima za cilj da označi različite figuracije i predstave identiteta savremenog subjekta, koje je Gojtisolo formirao kroz svog junaka u periodu od 1966. godine, kada je objavljen prvi analizirani roman, do 2008. godine, kada je objavljen poslednji analizirani roman. Disertacija se sastoji iz devet poglavlja, od kojih su prvih pet poglavlja uvodnog i teorijsko-metodološkog karaktera, budući da se u njima predstavljaju početne hipoteze i opisuju osnovni metodološki pristup, teorijski i pojmovni okvir i osnovni koncepti iz različitih oblasti društveno-humanističkih nauka koji će biti korišćeni u analizi identiteta Gojtisolovog junaka. U naredna tri poglavlja se analitički predstavlja konstituisanje identiteta junaka u izabranim romanima, pojedinačno i komparativno, u skladu sa sličnostima u autorovom pristupanju identitetskoj izgradnji junaka. Poglavlja hronološki prate objavljivanje romana, budući da se teži dijahronijskom predstavljanju razvoja junakovog identiteta, kao i različitih poimanja identiteta od strane autora. Analiza romana se na početku fokusira na predstave o identitetu junaka Alvara Mendiole u romanima „Trilogije Alvara Mendiole”, koji će se tumačiti kroz ideje o konstiuisanju i dekonstrukciji identiteta, vodeći se konceptima drugosti, egzila, razlike, nomadizma, deteritorijalizacije i dekonstrukcije. Nakon toga se analizira identitet istog junaka, transfigurisanog u Monstruma iz Santjea u romanima Prizori nakon bitke i Prognan sa svih strana, fokusiranjem na postmodernistički pristup autora, a identitet će biti tumačen kroz paralele sa tekstom romana i autorovom kritikom zapadnoevropskih civilizacijskih vrednosti kao i kroz koncepte palimpsesta i diseminacije. U poslednjem poglavlju analize se tumačenje identiteta junaka vrši kroz posthumanističku teorijsku perspektivu, sa posebnim fokusom na roman Prognan sa svih strana. Ova poslednja figuracija i percepcija junaka će se pokazati kao potencijalna veza autora sa posthumanističkim teorijskim okvirom i idejama o subjektu u aktuelnom biotehnološki i digitalno unapređenom društvu. U zaključnom delu teze se pokazuje da je analiza identiteta u Gojtisolovim romanima jedno od ključnih polazišta za razumevanje autorove poetike i njegovog estetskog i etičkog usmerenja. Prateći analizu poslednjeg poglavlja, dolazi se do zaključka da se izabranim Gojtisolovim romanima može predstaviti čitava panorama predstava o identitetu, tj. identitetima savremenog subjekta, kao i razvoj njihovih različitih poimanja od druge polovine 20. veka do početka 21. veka.

Opis (eng)

The dissertation Human and posthuman identity of the protagonist in the novels of Juan Goytisolo is focused on the interpretation and analysis of the representations of the protagonist’s identity in the selected novels of Spanish contemporary writer Juan Goytisolo. Five Goytisolo’s novels, with the same protagonist, have been included in the framework of the dissertation: Marks of identity, Count Julian, Juan the Landless, which that altogether form “Álvaro Mendiola Trilogy”, Landscapes after the battle and Exiled from almost everywhere. The analysis aims to illuminate different identity figurations and representations of the contemporary subject, who Goytisolo has been creating through his protagonist in the period from 1966, when the first analysed novel was published, to 2008, when the last analysed novel was published. The dissertation comprises nine chapters, out of which the first five are introductory, theoretical and methodological, due to the fact that they reflect and describe initial hypotheses, main methodological approach, theoretical and conceptual framework, as well as the basic notions from different fields in social sciences and humanities, which would be used in the analysis of Goytisolo’s protagonist identity. The next three chapters analytically present the constitution of the protagonist’s identity in the selected Goytisolo’s novels, both individually and comparatively, in accordance with the similarities in the author’s approach to the protagonist’s identity configuration. The chapters chronologically follow the publications of the novels, since it is an aim to diachronically depict the development of the protagonist’s identity, as well as the author’s different conceptualizations of the same. Therefore, the analysis is primarily focused on the notions and ideas about the identity of the protagonist Álvaro Mendiola in the novels of “Álvaro Mendiola Trilogy”. The character’s identity is explained through the ideas of constitution and deconstruction of identity, employing the concepts such as otherness, exile, difference, nomadism, deterritorialization and destruction. Afterwards, the identity representations of the same protagonist, transfigured into the Monster of le Sentier in the novels Landscapes after the battle and Exiled from almost everywhere are analyzed. The analysis of these identity figurations of the protagonist in the novels focuses on the author’s postmodernist approach, while identity is examined through parallels with the formal aspects of the novel and with the author’s critic of the Western European civilization values, as well as through the concepts of palimpsest and dissemination. In the last chapter of the analytical part of the dissertation, the protagonist’s identity is examined from posthumanist theoretical perspective, with the special emphasis on the novel Exiled from almost everywhere. This last figuration and perception of the protagonist will indicate the potential relations between the author’s literary poetics and the posthumanist theoretical framework and ideas about the subject in the contemporary biotechnologically and digitally improved humanity. In the concluding chapter of the dissertation, it is shown that the analysis of identity in Goytisolo’s novels may be seen as one of the key points for understanding the author’s poetics, and his aesthetical and ethical bias. Comprehending the analysis of the last chapter, it can be concluded that it is possible to discern the whole panorama of the contemporary identity representations within the selected frame of Goytisolo’s novels, as well as the development of their different understandings from the second half of the 20th century until the beginning of the 21st century.






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