Title (srp)

Prediktori korišćenja primarne zdravstvene zaštite u vezi sa reproduktivnim zdravljem žena u Srbiji


Đorđević, Slavica, 1977-


Jovanović, Verica, 1972-
Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-
Simić Vukomanović, Ivana, 1978-
Vasić, Milena, 1965-

Description (eng)

Introduction: The implementation of preventive services related to reproductive health inprimary health care is becoming increasingly important for the health of the entire population.Aim: The study aims is to identify predictors of primary health care utilization related towomen's reproductive health aged 15 and above in the Republic of Serbia.Material and method: Material and method: The research was conducted as a cross-sectionalstudy on a representative sample of the population of Serbia, encompassing a total of 6747women aged over 15, as part of the national, population study "Health Survey of the Populationof Serbia 2019." The research instrument was questionnaires adapted to the specifics of ourarea, and in accordance with the standards of the European Health Survey (EHIS) questionnaire.Results: Out of a total of 6747 respondents, 15.9% of the selected gynecologists are in privateinstitutions, and 33.8% are in state institutions (51.8%). In Serbia, 67.2% of women have had aPap test at any time in their life, while a quarter of women have never had a Pap test in theirlife (24.3%). The probability of never doing a Pap test is: the youngest age group, unmarriedrespondents with primary education, women of lower socioeconomic status. Women whohardly participated in organized breast cancer screening (39.5%) were aged 65+. Women withsecondary education, married women from the immunological financial category showed asignificantly higher frequency of self-initiated mammography examination.Conclusion: The research results should contribute to the improvement of the organization andimplementation of preventive health care activities, including a focus on women's reproductivehealth.

Description (srp)

Uvod: Implementacija preventivnih usluga povezanih sa reproduktivnim zdravljem uprimarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti postaje sve važnija oblast zdravstvene zaštite zazdravlje celokupne populacije.Cilj: Cilj studije je identifikovanje prediktora korišćenja primarne zdravstvenezaštite u vezi sa reproduktivnim zdravljem žena starijih od 15 godina u RepubliciSrbiji.Materijal i metod: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka na stanovništvaSrbije, čime je obuhvaćeno 6747 žena, uzrasta preko 15 godina, u okviru nacionalnog,populacionog istraživanja „Istraživanje zdravlja stanovništva Srbije 2019.godine“.Instrument istraživanja su bili upitnici koji su prilagođeni specifičnostimanašeg područja, a u skladu su sa standardima upitnika Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja(EHIS).Rezultati: Od ukupno 6747 ispitanica, izabranog ginekologa ima 15,9% u privanimustanovama, a 33,8% u državnim ustanovama (51,8 %). U Srbiji je 67,2% žena uradiloPapa test bilo kada u životu, dok četvrtina žena nikada u životu nije uradila Papatest (24,3%). Verovatnoću da nikada ne urade Papa test imaju: najmlađa starosna grupa,neudate ispitanice sa osnovnim obrazovanjem, žene nižeg socioekonomskog statusa.Žene koje su pretežno učestvovale u organizovanom skriningu raka dojke (39,5%) subile starosti 65+ godina. Žene sa srednjim obrazovanjem, udate žene iz imućnijefinansijske kategorije su pokazale značajno veću učestalost samoinicijativnogmamografskog pregleda.Zaključak: Rezultati istraživanja treba da posluže za unapređenje organizacije isprovođenja usluga preventivne zdravstvene zaštite u oblasti reproduktivnog zdravljažena

Description (srp)


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