Naslov (srp)

Pravna zaštita verbalnih elemenata industrijskog dizajna


Milosavljević, Nikola, 1994-


Šokinjov, Stefan, 1972-
Miladinović, Zoran, 1959-
Popović, Dušan V., 1978-
Lučić, Sonja, 1976-

Opis (eng)

The capacities and possibilities of protection within industrial designrights have not been sufficiently examined academically. This entails the fact that theprotection object-industrial design has not been sufficiently researched in the legal literature.Thus it has not yet been fully examined which aspects of industrial design can be protectedand in what manner. In the dissertation, the author primarily examines the design law byapplying the dogmatic, historical, and sociological methods, focusing especially on the issuesof the definition of industrial design, the prerequisites for protection, the scope of protection,the elements of the industrial design, but also the question of the relationship between designright and other intellectual property rights, particularly copyright and trademark. Theseresearches are the foundation for a special part of the research related to verbal elements ofindustrial design, where the author, examining the hypotheses, tries to answer the questions ofthe definition of verbal elements of industrial design, their types, their importance, and thepossibility of legal protection. The author in particular tries to examine whether the protectionof verbal elements within the framework of design law causes overlaps with trademark lawand in which way these overlaps could be regulated.This doctoral dissertation aims to present to the academic and professional communitythe problem of the legal protection of the verbal elements that are written on the industrialdesign of certain products, which emerge from the introduction of a new harmonized solutionof the European Union for the legal protection of industrial design. In addition, the goal of thedissertation is to point out the possibilities and consequences of the protection of verbalelements within the framework of industrial design law, as well as to propose solutions forpossible problems that could develop in this regard.

Opis (srp)

Kapaciteti i mogućnosti zaštite u okviru prava industrijskogdizajna nisu u dovoljnoj meri akademski ispitivani. Ovo sa sobom povlači činjenicui da predmet zaštite – industrijski dizajn, nije u dovoljnoj meri akademski obrađen upravnoj literaturi, te samim tim nije još uvek u potpunosti ispitano u kojim sveaspektima industrijski dizajn može biti zaštićen i na koji način. U disertacijiautor najpre primenom pravno-dogmatskog, istorijskog i sociološkog metoda ispitujenajpre pravo industrijskog dizajna, zadržavajući se posebno na pitanjima definicijepredmeta zaštite, uslova, obima zaštite, elemenata predmeta zaštite ali i pitanjuodnosa prava na industrijski dizajn sa drugim pravima intelektualne svojine,konkretno autorskim pravom i žigom. Ova istraživanja predstavljaju osnov zaposebni deo istraživanja koji se odnosi na verbalne elemenete industrijskog dizajna,gde autor ispitujući postavljene hipoteze pokušava da da odgovor na pitanja pojmaverbalnih elemenata industrijskog dizajna, njihovih vrsta, njihovog značaja imogućnosti pravne zaštite. Autor posebno nastoji i da ispita da li zaštitaverbalnih elemenata u okvirima prava industrijskog dizajna izaziva preklpanja sapravom žiga i na koji način se ova preklapanja sa pravom žiga mogu prevazići.Cilj ove doktorske disertacije jeste da se akademskoj i stručnoj javnostipredstavi problem zaštite verbalnih elemenata koji se nalaze ispisani naindustrijskom dizajnu pojedinih proizvoda, a koji je nastao usled uvođenja novogharmonizovanog rešenja Evropske unije za zaštitu industrijskog dizajna. Pored togacilj disertacije je da se ukaže na mogućnosti i konsekvence zaštite verbalnihelemenata u okvirima prava industrijskog dizajna, kao i da se predlože rešenja zaeventualne probleme koji bi u ovom pogledu mogli nastati.

Opis (srp)







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