Naslov (srp)

Primena Eventqual modela u kontekstu različitih tipova turističkih događaja u Srbiji


Đurađević, Marijana, 1981-


Dimitrovski, Darko, 1978
Senić, Vladimir, 1977-
Mićović, Andrej, 1985-
Tomić, Slavica, 1962-

Opis (eng)

Event organization represents a rapidly developing activity. The quality of service is an important element that determines the attendance of every event. Constant monitoring ofquality at the event level can be carried out using different scales. One of the mentioned models is the EVENTQUAL model of event quality with four dimensions (accessibility, tangibility, personnel and complementary services). This model has so far only been implemented on the level of sports events, and that in the Spanish context In this PhDdissertation, the model was applied in order to comprehensively analyze the quality of four different types of events that follow Getz's and Page's (2016) typology of events, and which were held in different locations in Serbia. The main aim of this PhD dissertation research is to identify the components of the EVENTQUAL model that are the key initiators of satisfaction, word-of-mouth marketing and repeated visits, in the context of different types of events in Serbia. The quantitative research includes a sample of 847 respondents, visitors to four types of tourist events. The data were collected through a survey and processed using SPSS 23 and PLS-SEM. The results of quantitative research show that the service quality dimensions accessibility, tangibility and complementary services positively influence the satisfaction of visitors to different types of events in Serbia, as well as that the satisfaction of visitors to different types of events in Serbia positively influences word-of-mouth and repeated visits. Also, the existence of certain differences in the perception of the dimensions of the EVENTQUAL model between different groups of visitors was identified. Through qualitative research, using in-depth structured interviews with key stakeholders at the level of organized events, an expanded version of the EVENTQUAL scale, named "EVENTQUAL +", was proposed. A key contribution to the existing literature on event service quality is an innovative, generic quality model applicable to all types of events. This event quality model makes it easier for event managers to monitor and improve quality. The limitation of the research is that the EVENTQUAL model has not been tested in the context of other types of events, and outside the territory of Serbia. The extended EVENTQUAL quality scale at the level of the total sample, as well as the modified, shorter version of the EVENTQUAL model, represent a good starting point for future research.

Opis (srp)

Organizacija događaja predstavlja aktivnost koja se ubrzano razvija. Kvalitet usluge je važan element koji određuje posetu svakog događaja. Konstantno praćenje kvaliteta na nivou događaja je moguće sprovesti primenom različitih skala. Jedan od pomenutih modela je EVENTQUAL model kvaliteta događaja sa četiri dimenzije (pristupačnost, opipljivost, osoblje i komplementarne usluge. Ovaj model je do sada primenjivan samo na nivou sportskih događaja, i to u španskom kontekstu. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji model je primenjen u cilju sveobughvatne analize kvaliteta četiri različita tipa događaja koji prate Getz-ovu u Page-ovu (2016) tipologiju događaja, i koji su održani na različitim lokacijama u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije jeste identifikovanje komponenti EVENTQUAL modela koje su ključni pokretači zadovoljstva, usmene propagande i ponovne posete posetilaca, u kontekstu različitih tipova događaja u Srbiji.Kvantitativno istraživanje obuhvata uzorak od 847 ispitanika, posetilaca četiri tipa turističkih događaja. Podaci su prikupljeni anketom i obrađenipomoću SPSS 23 i PLS-SEM-a. Rezultati kvantitativnog istraživanja ukazuju dadimenzije kvaliteta usluge pristupačnost, opipljivost i komplementarne uslugepozitivno utiču na zadovoljstvo posetilaca različitim tipovima događaja u Srbiji, kao i to da zadovoljstvo posetilaca različitih tipova događaja u Srbiji pozitivno utiče na usmenu propagandu i ponovnu posetu. Takođe, identifikovano je postojanje određenih razlika u percepciji dimenzija EVENTQUAL modela između različitih grupa posetilaca. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem, primenom dubinskihstrukturiranih intervjua sa ključnim stejkholderima na nivou organizovanih događaja, predložena je proširena verzija EVENTQUAL skale, nazvana „EVENTQUAL +“. Ključni doprinos postojećoj literaturi kvaliteta usluge događaja predstavlja inovativni, generički model kvaliteta primenljiv za sve tipove događaja. Ovaj model kvaliteta događaja olakšava menadžerima događaja praćenje i unapređenje kvaliteta. Ograničenje rada predstavlja to što EVENTQUAL model nije testiran i u kontekstu drugih tipova događaja, i van područja Srbije. Proširena EVENTQUAL skala kvaliteta na nivou ukupnog uzorka, kao i modifikovana, kraća verzija EVENTQUAL modela, predstavljaju dobru polaznu osnovu za buduća istraživanja.

Opis (srp)







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