Naslov (srp)

Dizajn okruženja za efektivnu primenu rada na daljinu


Sretenović, Stefan D., 1990-


Slavković, Marko, 1980-
Stojanović-Aleksić, Vesna, 1970-
Slavić, Agneš, 1977-
Stamenković, Milan, 1983-

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Modern business conditions, in which companies operate, impose them to providingadequate organizational responses to the numerous challenges they face during the performance of business activities, to ensure growth, development and continuity of theirbusiness. One of the key strategic decisions to be made within human resources management, in many organizations, is the change of organizational design, culture, and the way of organizing business activities. The concept of remote work, since its inception and development, represents an indispensable organizational response to numerous crisis situations that organizations have faced, taken with the aim of successfully overcoming them. The success and adequacy of the concept application depends on numerous organizational factors, which must be adequately managed in organizations from a strategic perspective. The challenges that companies face within remote work implementation process require unique organizational transformations in order to successfully manage the above concept, in order to avoid the potential negative effects of its application. The subject of the dissertation research is the analysis of the impact of the organizational context on the organizational transformation of the business activities performance, the modality such a change affects employees and organizations, as well as the impact on the efficiency and satisfaction of employees. In order to test the research hypotheses, the technique of partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used. The results of the research showed that remote work has a statistically significant impact on most of the analyzed work outcome variables, while, in the absence of a statistically significant, direct influence of individual variables, a significant mediating effect between the analyzed variables was confirmed through the balance of work and private life, as well as through compatibility of the person and the environment. An overall situation in which the analysis and application of the concept was done had an important role for getting different results of the concept application, also compared to the previous researches, since the research for dissertation needs was done during Covid-19 pandemic. The differences just presented point to the significant influence of the context of application and the need to adapt the concept of remote work to current business, market and economic circumstances, as well as to the characteristics of employees.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: U savremenim uslovima poslovanja, kompanije su prinuđene da pruže adekvatne organizacione odgovore na brojne izazove sa kojima se suočavaju tokom obavljanja poslovnih aktivnosti, u cilju obezbeđivanja rasta, razvoja i kontinuiteta u poslovanju. Jedna od ključnih strategijskih odluka upravljanja ljudskim resursima, u mnogim organizacijama, je promena organizacionog dizajna, kulture, kao i načina organizovanja poslovnih aktivnosti. Koncept rada na daljinu, od samog nastanka i razvoja, predstavlja neophodan organizacioni odgovor na mnogobrojne krizne situacije sa kojima su se organizacije suočavale, u cilju njihovog uspešnog prevazilaženja. Uspešnost i adekvatnost primene koncepta zavisi od brojnih organizacionih faktora, kojima se na adekvatan način mora upravljati u organizacijama i to sa strateškog aspekta. Izazovi sa kojima se kompanije suočavaju prilikom implementacije rada na daljinu zahtevaju jedinstvene organizacione transformacije radi uspešnog upravljanja navedenim konceptom, kako bi se izbegli potencijalni negativni efekti njegove primene. Predmet istraživanja disertacije je analiza uticaja organizacionog konteksta na organizacionu transformaciju obavljanja poslovnih aktivnosti, kako takva promena utiče na zaposlene i organizacije, kao i uticaj na efikasnost i zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. U cilju testiranja istraživačkih hipoteza upotrebljena je tehnika parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata-modeliranje strukturnih jednačina (PLSSEM). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da rad na daljinu ostvaruje statistički značajan uticaj na većinu analiziranih varijabli ishoda rada, pri čemu je, u nedostatku statistički značajnog, direktnog uticaja pojedinih varijabli, značajan medijatorskiefekat između analiziranih varijabli potvrđen preko balansa poslovnog i privatnog života, kao i preko usaglašenosti osobe i okruženja.

Opis (srp)







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