Title (srp)

Procena aerobnih i anaerobnih fizičkih aktivnosti na metaboličke procese i parametre kondicije u različitim klimatskim uslovima


Pešić, Daniel, 1976-


Jakovljević, Vladimir, 1971-
Marjanović, Sonja S., 1965-
Stojanović, Emilija, 1992-
Srejović, Ivan, 1985-
Đukić, Mirjana, 1959-

Description (eng)

INTRODUCTION: In aerobic work, energy is obtained with the presence of oxygen, and in anaerobic work (without or reduced amount of oxygen), and it depends on fitness capacities and ambient conditions. The aim of the research is to examine the metabolic response to exercise at different temperatures, and the effect on lactates, stress hormones: cortisol, prolactin, testosterone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), oxidative stress (TBARS, O-, H2О2 и NO2-), in relation to better and worse condition expressed parameter of relative maximum oxygen consumption.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were divided into two groups, with pооr (SG) (N = 9, VO2max < 40mL/kg/min), and good (DG) (N = 21, VO2max ≥40 mL/kg/ min). They were tested in laboratory conditions, and then they performed a 15km march at 32°C and 5°C, and a 5km march at 33°C and -4°C. Hormones and lactates were sampled before and after the march.RESULTS: Cortisol is secreted more in a cold environment in all subjects (-4°C), and even more significantly in (SG), and at 32°C at 9:00 a.m. it has a higher value than at 4:00 p.m., and again significantly more in (SG ). Cortisol value (5°C), decreases after exertion, in both groups, but more in (DG). Prolactin had higher values in (SG), both before and after the intensive march (32°C), than in (DG). Lactates have higher values in maximal effort (CPET), more in (DG), and the lowest at low temperatures (5°C), in all subjects they are more formed in a warm environment. The parameter (TBARS) increases the most in (SG), and catalase has higher values in (DG), and that in the load test (CPET). Testosterone shows lower values in subjects with a higher fat percentage. (SOD), increases with load on the test (CPET). BMI is negatively correlated with (VO2 max).CONCLUSION: The obtained results show significant differences in relation to better or worse fitness status.

Description (srp)

UVOD: U aerobnom radu, energija se dobija uz prisustvo kiseonika, a u anaerobnim (bez, ili smanjenom količinom kiseonika), i zavisi od kondicionih kapaciteta i ambijantalnih uslova. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita metabolički odgovor u naporupri različitim temperaturama, i uticaj na laktate, hormone stresa: kortizol, prolaktin, testosteron, insulinu sličan faktor rasta (IGF-1), oksidacioni stres (TBARS, O-,H2O2 i NO2-), u odnosu na bolju i lošiju kondiciju izraženu parametar relativne maksimalne kiseonične potrošnje. MATERIJAL I METODE: Ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe, sa slabijom (SG) (N = 9, VO2 max < 40mL/kg/min), i boljom kondicijom (DG) (N = 21, VO2max ≥40 mL/kg/min). Ispitani su u laboratorijskim uslovima, a zatim su izvršili marš od 15km pri 32°C, i 5°C, i marš od 5km, pri 33°C, i -4°C. Pre i posle marša su uzorkovani hormoni i laktati. REZULTATI: Kortizol se više luči u hladnom ambijentu kod svih ispitanika (-4°C), a još značajnije u (SG), a pri 32°C u 9.00č ima više vrednosti nego u 16.00č, i opet značajno više u (SG). Vrednost kortizola (5°C), pada nakon napora, u obe grupe, ali više u (DG). Prolaktin je imao povišene vrednosti u (SG), i pre i posle intenzivnog marša (32°C), nego u (DG). Laktati imaju veće vrednosti u maksimalnom naporu (CPET), više u (DG), a najniže pri niskim temperturama (5°C), kod svih ispitanika se više stavarju u toplom ambijentu. Parametar (TBARS), najviše raste u (SG), a katalaza ima više vrednosti u (DG), i to na testu opterećenja (CPET). Testosteron pokazuje manje vrednosti kod ispitanika sa višim procentom masti. (SOD), raste sa opterećenjem na testu (CPET). BMI je u negativnoj korelaciji sa (VO2 max).ZAKLjUČAK: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike u odnosu na bolji ili lošiji kondicioni status.

Description (srp)


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