Naslov (srp)

Građanska neposlušnost i ostvarivanje ljudskih prava


Ivković, Nikola, 1989-


Đorđević, Srđan, 1967-
Matić, Dejan, 1975-
Vučković, Jelena, 1976-
Ćorić, Dragana, 1976-

Opis (eng)

The subject of analysis is the relationship between human rights and civil disobedience.Through research, this relationship opens up some of the key questions of legal theory. Throughthe prism of the relationship between theoretical concepts, natural and positive law, the genesisof development, influence and fitting of the factual and the normative in the constitutions ofworld history is pointed out. By considering the social circumstances when reaching therelationship between social reality and procedure within the world development of generalnorms of human rights, the genesis of development is observed, but also the place of civildisobedience in sociological turmoil. The first part of the dissertation represents a research attempt to look at the dynamicterm and notion of human rights. Within this part, the question of the political and universalunderstanding of human rights is raised. With the answers, a complete understanding of theterm and concept of human rights in the legal aspect is reached. The second part is focused onthe analysis of terms and elements of the concept of civil disobedience. After looking at thegenesis, which is intertwined with the concept of human rights, the theoretical aspect of civildisobedience is analyzed. Modern theories open the dimension of the practical aspect in part ofthe judicial function. In this field, the relationship between the Anglo-Saxon and continentallegal systems is also observed. In order to fully demystify this aspect, social conditions andbroader cultural ones have their own power of influence on the analyzed processes. In thissense, the process dimension of the subject study gains importance. In the end, it is concluded about recommendations and ways that the knowledgepresented should be directed in the direction of practical domains. In order to achieve thegreatest possible agreement between natural and positive law, we should constantly considerthe convergence of theory and practice. Especially in the relations of two large legal systems, acareful analysis and use of good solutions of one of the directions must be recorded by thedoctrine.

Opis (srp)

Predmet analize je odnos ljudskih prava i građanske neposlušnosti.Istraživanjem, ovaj odnos otvara neka od ključnih pitanja teorije prava. Kroz prizmurelacije između teorijskih pojmova, prirodnog i pozitivnog prava, ukazuje se na genezurazvoja, uticaja i uklapanja faktičkog i normativnog u konstitucijama svetske istorije.Razmatranjem društvenih okolnosti prilikom dostizanja odnosa društvene realnostii procedure u okviru svetskog razvoja opštih normi ljudskih prava, posmatra se genezarazvoja, ali i mesto građanske neposlušnosti u sociološkim previranjima. Prvi deo disertacije predstavlja istraživački pokušaj da se sagleda dinamičkitermin i pojam ljudskih prava. U okviru ovog dela postavlja se pitanje političkog iuniverzalnog shvatanja ljudskih prava. Odgovorima, dolazi se do potpunog shvatanjatermina i pojma ljudskih prava u pravnom aspektu. Drugi deo je fokusiran na analizutermina i elemenata pojma građanske neposlušnosti. Nakon sagledavanja geneze, koja seprepliće sa pojmom ljudskih prava, analizira se teorijski aspekt građanskeneposlušnosti. Savremene teorije otvaraju dimenziju praktičnog aspekta u delupravosudne funkcije. Na tom polju, posmatra se i odnos anglosaksonskog ikontinetalnog pravnog sistema. Kako bi se i ovaj aspekt do kraja demistifikova,društveni uslovi i šire kulturološki imaju svoju snagu uticaja na analiziraneprocese. U tom smislu procesna dimenzija predmetnog proučavanja dobija na značaju. Na kraju, zaključuje se o preporukama i načinima kako bi iskazana saznanjatrebalo usmeriti u pravcu praktičnih domenta. Kako bi se ostvarilo što veće saglasjeizmeđu prirodnog i pozitivnog prava, trebalo bi konstantno razmatrati opribližavanju teorije i prakse. Posebno u odnosima dva velika pravna sistema,pažljiva analiza i korišćenje dobrih rešenja nekog od pravaca, mora bitievidentirana od strane doktrine.

Opis (srp)







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