Naslov (srp)

Stavovi učenika, roditelja i profesora razredne nastave prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju


Radojlović, Jasmina R., 1972-


Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-
Janjić, Vladimir, 1971-
Radević, Svetlana, 1980-
Rančić, Nemanja, 1984-

Opis (eng)

Background: Inclusive education means quality education for all students, respecting their diversity in terms of educational needs. The aim of the research is to examine the relevance of students', parents' and classroom professors' attitudes towards inclusive education.Method: The research is of the cross-sectional study type. It was conducted in three primary schools on the territory of Belgrade (Elementary School "Josif Pancic", Elementary School "Dragojlo Dudic", Elementary School "Branko Copic"), as well as in the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology "Dr. Cvetko Brajovic" Belgrade. The sample consisted of classroom professors, parents and lower classes of primary school students (ages 7-11). As a research instrument, the Questionnaire for Teachers and the Questionnaire for Students (taken from the Master's Thesis of Studen Rajka, which represents a part of the project "Education for the Knowledge Society" of the Institute for Pedagogical Research in Belgrade) and the Questionnaire for Parents (taken from Radmila Nikolić's doctoral dissertation) were used. Results: A certain positivity of parents' and students' attitudes towards inclusive education was found, but factors that hinder the process of inclusion in practice were also identified. Despite positive attitudes towards inclusive education, teachers' attitudes were only partially positive when it came to children with disabilities. Conclusion: Investing more resources and time in the development and implementation of education policy can promote successful inclusive education.

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Inkluzivno obrazovanje podrazumeva kvalitetno obrazovanje za sve učenike, uvažavajući njihovu različitost u pogledu obrazovnih potreba. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje relevantnosti stavova učenika, roditelja i profesora razredne nastave prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju.Metod: Istraživanje je tipa studije preseka. Sprovedeno je u tri osnovne škole na teritoriji Beograda (OŠ „Josif Pančić“, OŠ „Dragojlo Dudić“, OŠ „Branko Ćopić“) kao i u Zavodu za psihofiziološe poremećaje i govornu patologiju „dr Cvetko Brajović“ Beograd. Uzorak su činili profesori razredne nastave, roditelji i učenici nižih razreda osnovne škole (uzrasta 7-11 godina). Kao instrument istraživanja, korišćeni su Upitnik za nastavnike i Upitnik za učenike (preuzeti iz Magistarske teze Studen Rajke koja predstavlja deo projekta „Obrazovanje za društvo znanja“ Instituta za Pedagoška istraživanja u Beogradu) i Upitnik za roditelje (preuzet iz doktorske disertacije Nikolić Radmile).Rezultati: Ustanovljena je izvesna pozitivnost stavova roditelja i učenika prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju, ali su uočeni i faktori koji otežavaju proces inkluzije u praksi. Uprkos pozitivnim stavovima prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju, stavovi nastavnika bili su samo delimično pozitivni kada je reč o deci sa smetnjama u razvoju.Zaključak: Ulaganje više resursa i vremena u razvoj i implementaciju obrazovne politike može da promoviše uspešno inkluzivno obrazovanje.

Opis (srp)







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