Naslov (srp)

Procena mentalnog zdravlja kod bolesnika sa malignim bolestima u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti


Vučić, Veroljub M., 1962-


Živanović-Mačužić, Ivana, 1974-
Dagović, Aleksandar, 1964-
Radovanović, Snežana, 1971-
Volarević, Ana, 1979-
Đorđević, Vladimir, 1974-

Opis (eng)

Background: The aim of this study is to research the association of cancer with the presenceof symptoms of depression and anxiety in primary health care patients.Methods: The prospective observational study which included adult users of health care at theHealth Center Trstenik, Central Serbia, aged 19 and over, both sexes, with a diagnosis ofoncological disease. A research instrument to assess depressive symptoms is used PHQ-9 (ThePatient Health Questionnaire) questionnaire, derived from PRIME MD-and (The Primary CareEvaluation of Mental Disorders), and the Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI) to register the presence ofcertain anxiety symptoms.Results: The largest percentage of patients had symptoms of mild (27.2%) or moderatedepression (22%), while 18% reported symptoms of major depression.All subjects werecharacterized as persons with severe anxiety (score 26-63). The level of depression and anxietyis higher in older subjects, in the presence of chronic diseases with greater limitations of activityand the presence of difficulties in performing daily activities, with a more pronounced effect ofpain on activity, the presence of stress.Conclusion: Caring for the mental health of cancer patients must occupy a significant part ofeach country's national health policy.

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Cilj ove studije je istraživanje povezanosti simptoma depresivnosti ianksioznosti kod pacijenata sa malignim bolestima u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti.Metod: Prospektivna opservaciona studija je obuhvatila odrasle korisnike primarnezdravstvene zaštite u Domu zdravlja Trstenik, Centralna Srbija, starosti 19 i višegodina, oba pola, sa dijagnozom onkološke bolesti. Kao instrument istraživanja zaprocenu simptoma depresivnosti korišćen je upitnik PHQ-9 (The Patient HealthQuestionnaire), izveden iz PRIME MD-and (The Primary Care Evaluation of MentalDisorders), i Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI) za registrovanje prisustva određenih simptomaanksioznosti.Rezultati: Najveći procenat pacijenata imao je simptome blage (27,2%) ili umerenedepresije (22%), dok je 18% prijavilo simptome velike depresije. Svi ispitanici suokarakterisani kao osobe sa teškom anksioznošću (skor 26-63). Nivo depresije ianksioznosti je veći kod starijih ispitanika, u prisustvu hroničnih bolesti sa većimograničenjima i prisustvom poteškoća u obavljanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti, saizraženijim dejstvom bola na aktivnost, prisustvo stresa.Zaključak: Briga o mentalnom zdravlju pacijenata obolelih od malignih bolesti morazauzimati značajan deo nacionalne zdravstvene politike svake zemlje.

Opis (srp)







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