Naslov (srp)

Parlamentarna kontrola državne uprave u Republici Srbiji


Kovačević, Anika, 1989-


Bataveljić, Dragan, 1959-
Vučković, Jelena, 1976-
Petrov, Vladan, 1975-
Jovanović, Zoran, 1974-

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt:Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je parlamentarna kontrola državneuprave u Republici Srbiji. Pod predmetom parlamentarne kontrole podrazumeva sekontrola zakonitosti akata i radnji državne uprave, ali i kontrola njihovecelishodnosti. Specifičnost upravne delatnosti ogleda se u dosta širokoj slobodi,kojom raspolažu organi uprave, naročito u vršenju diskrecione vlasti. Zbog toga,prilikom kontrole upravne vlasti, poseban značaj pripada pitanju ocenecelishodnosti rada uprave. Politička kontrola usmerena ka vladavini prava iuspostavljanju pravne, a ne partijske države. Ona treba da dopunjava pravnu kontrolu,jer imaju isti cilj. Parlamentarna kontrola spaja oba ova oblika kontrole i predstavljaključnu formu institucionalizovane kontrole. Ovde parlament ceni da li upravasprovodi postavljenu politiku i ostvaruje određene ciljeve uspostavljene pravnimporetkom, odnosno da li vrši diskreciona ovlašćenja u skladu sa javnim interesom,kako to parlament smatra da bi bilo celishodno.Cilj istraživanja jeste analiza svih oblika i mehanizama parlamentarnekontrole uprave, kako komparativno, tako i u Republici Srbiji, a to su: poslaničkapitanja, obaveštenja i objašnjenja, interpelacija, glasanje nepoverenje vladi,parlamentarni odbori, javno slušanje, izveštaji organa, organizacija i tela i kontrolabudžeta kao mehanizam parlamentarne kontrole. Potrebno je istaći da vanpravničinioci mogu, ponekad, i znatno snažnije da utiču na rad organa uprave, nego što točine pravni činioci. Zbog toga je istraživanje političke kontrole uprave neophodnoradi sagledavanja celokupnog sistema kontrole nad upravnom vlasti, a domet iefikasnost iste je od velikog značaja za dalji proces stvaranja odgovorne i dobre javneuprave, kao i proces očuvanja dostignutog nivoa i dogradnje pravne države.

Opis (srp)


Opis (eng)

Abstract:The subject of research of this doctoral dissertation is parliamentary control of stateadministration in the Republic of Serbia. The notion of parliamentary control implies the controlof the legality of acts and activities of state administration, as well as the control of theirexpediency. The specificity of the administration’s activity is seen in quite a broad form offreedom, which administrative bodies have, especially in enacting discretionary power.Therefore, when controlling the administrative power, special significance is given to the matterof the assessment of expediency of the administration’s work. Political control, directed at therule of law and the establishment of a legal, and not partisan state, needs to complement legalcontrol, because they have the same goal. Parliamentary control joins both these forms ofcontrol and it represents the key form of institutionalized control. Here the parliament assessesif the administration is carrying out the defined policies and achieving certain goals defined bythe legal order, i.e. if it is enacting its discretionary authorizations in accordance with publicinterest, in a way in which the parliament would see it as expedient.The goal of the research is to analyze all forms and mechanisms of parliamentarycontrol of the administration, both comparatively and in the Republic of Serbia, and these are:parliamentary questions, notices and explanations, interpellation, vote of no confidence in thegovernment, parliamentary boards, public hearing, reports of certain bodies, organizations andbodies, and budget control as a mechanism of parliamentary control. It is necessary to point outthat non-legal factors may sometimes impact the work of the administrative bodies even morestrongly than legal factors. That is why the research of political control of the administration isnecessary in order to see the entire system of control over the administrative power, while itsrange and efficiency are of great importance for the further process of creation of a responsibleand good public administration, as well as the process of preserving the achieved level andimproving the state of law.






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