Naslov (srp)

Faunistička i ekotoksikološka studija Lumbricidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) centralne Srbije


Sekulić, Jovana, 1984-


Stojanović-Petrović, Mirjana, 1958-
Karaman, Ivo, 1963-
Graora, Draga, 1964-
Trakić, Tanja, 1979-

Opis (eng)

The results presented in this paper is contribution to the knowledge of biodiversity Lumbricidae central Serbia. Also, the results were gave an insight into ecotoxicological testing on earthworm which is the first of that kind investigations in our country. The complex faunistic research of earthworm fauna in the area of central Serbia was performed and all available literature data and field data are summarized. Based on field work in the investigated area have been registered 16 taxa in 160 samples (2190 individuals). In previous studies revealed the presence of 44 taxa. Our research has revealed the presence of three taxa that have never been ascertained on the territory of central Serbia. Therefore, today Lumbricidae fauna of this area consists of 47 taxa. Of the total number of earthworm species that are found in the territory of Serbia, almost 60% of the species is found in the area of central Serbia. Three species are registered for the first time in central Serbia: llolobophora parva, Aporrectodea cemernicensis (registered on the territory of the Republic of Serbia only in eastern and central Serbia) and Lumbricus castaneus. Also, it is interesting that peregrina species A. parva is registered for the first time in Serbia, which is of great faunal significance. For the first time, in our research, Allolobophora serbica is found in a new biotope, forest, both in the spring and the autumn seasons. In order to better understand the zoogeographical structure of Lumbricidae from the central part of Serbia, categorization was required. Our analysis showed that most of them are Peregrine species (38,30%). The percent of endemic species is 19,15%, followed by Trans - Aegean (13,77%), Central-European (10,64%), Balkanic-Alpine (10,64%), and a little less Circum-Mediterranean (4,26%) and Atlantic-Mediterranean (2,13%). Researches conducted in the framework of ecotoxicology part are based on the hypothesis that pesticides in the environment have impact, not only to the target organisms, but also to the non-target organisms, which through food chains may produce damages to higher trophic levels, and ultimately to the man. The laboratory test was conducted according to the OECD guidelines. To assess the toxic effects of pesticides on non-target organism, we exposed the earthworm Eisenia fetida to artificial soil supplemented with different concentrations of the examined pesticides based on the recommended agricultural doses. The tested pesticides that are mostly used locally, including the insecticide Laser (spinosad). This is the first report about effects of spinosad on the life-cycle parameters on non-target organism, earthworm E. fetida. Each of used pesticide showed a different degree of toxicity. Only in the control treatment was 100% survival of the earthworms recorded until the end of experiments. Pyrethroids are known by knock-down effect and expressed initial efficacy. In the first weeks, we have immediately recorded mortality of earthworms in all concentrations. However, the LC50 values were higher than the highest concentrations which we used in the experiment. Of all the used pyrethroids (Cipkord, Talstar, Laser), Laser has proven to be as environmentally safest. Based on the endpoints such as growth and reproduction, the results of toxicological research show that the earthworms are very sensitive to the tested herbicide (Terbis, Callisto, Ekvip, Adengo). Regardless, it does not affect mortality, affecting sublethal endpoints, which are much more sensitive parameters for assessing, which a longer time interval means the impact on itself population of earthworms.

Opis (srp)

Rezultati prezentovani u ovom radu predstavljaju doprinos poznavanju biodiverziteta lumbricida centralne Srbije. Takođe rezultati su dali uvid u, prvi put kod nas rađena, ekotoksikološka ispitivanja na ovim organizmima. Obavljena su kompleksna faunistička istraživanja lumbricidne faune na području centralne Srbije i objedinjeni su svi dostupni literaturni i terenski podaci. Terenskim radom na ovoj studiji, na istraživanim lokalitetima, u 160 sakupljenih uzoraka (2190 jedinki), registrovano je 16 taksona. Tokom ranijih istraživanja utvrđeno je prisustvo 44 taksona. Našim istraživanjima utvrđeno je prisustvo tri taksona koji ranije nisu bila konstatovana na prostorima centralne Srbije, tako da danas fauna lumbricida ovog prostora broji 47 taksona. Od ukupnog broja vrsta koje su konstatovane na teritoriji Srbije, skoro 60% vrsta je pronađeno u centralnoj Srbiji. Po prvi put u centralnoj Srbiji su registrovane tri vrste: Allolobophora parva, Aporrectodea cemernicensis (po drugi put registrovana na teritoriji Republike Srbije) i Lumbricus castaneus. Iako peregrina vrsta, A. parva je registrovana prvi put u Srbiji, što je od izuzetnog faunističkog značaja. Po prvi put, u našim istraživanjima Allolobophora serbica je pronađena u novom biotopu, šumskom, i to i u prolećnoj i u jesenjoj sezoni. Da bi se zoogeografski što jasnije shvatila struktura lumbricidne faune centralnog dela Srbije, neophodno je bilo izvršiti kategorizaciju. Naša analiza je pokazala da najveći broj vrsta pripada peregrinim vrstama (38,30%). Endemičnih vrsta ima 19,15%. Zatim slede trans-egejske vrste (12,77%), centralno-evropske (10,64%), alpsko-balkanske (10,64%), i nešto manje približno mediteranske (4,26%) i atlansko- mediteranske (2,13%). Istraživanja koja su sprovedena u okviru ekotoksikološkog dela zasnovana su na hipotezi da pesticidi u životnoj sredini pored ciljanih organizama utiču i na neciljane organizme, što se kroz lance ishrane odražava i na više trofičke nivoe, a u krajnjem ishodu i na čoveka. Laboratorijski testovi su sprovedeni na osnovu smernica OECD-a. U ovim testovima toksičnosti koristili smo vrstu Eisenia fetida, kao test organizam, koju smo izlagali, u veštačkom test zemljištu, različitim koncentracijama ispitivanih pesticida, zasnovanim na preporučenim poljoprivrednim dozama. Testirani su pesticidi koji su lokalno najviše u upotrebi, među kojima je i bioracionalni insekticid Laser (spinosad) koji se po prvi put ispitivao na vrsti E. fetida. Svaki od pesticida pokazao je drugačiji stepen toksičnosti, a jedino je u kontrolnim tretmanima bilo 100% preživelih kišnih glista evidentiranih do kraja eksperimenata. Piretroidi su poznati po domino efektu i izrazitoj početnoj efikasnosti. U našim eksperimentima smo već u prvoj nedelji zabeleželi smrtnost glista u svim koncentracijama. Ipak, izračunate LC50 vrednosti su bile više od najviše koncentracije. Od svih korišćenih piretroida (Cipkord, Talstar, Laser), Laser se pokazao kao ekološki najbezbedniji. Rezultati toksikoloških istraživanja pokazuju da su gliste na osnovu krajnjih tačaka kao što su rast i reprodukcija veoma osetljive na ispitivane herbicide (Terbis, Kalisto, Ekvip, Adengo). Bez obzira, što ne utiču na mortalitet, utiču na subletalne krajnje tačke, koje su znatno osetljiviji parametri za procenu, što u dužem vremenskom intervalu, znači uticaj na samu populaciju glista.






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